Honors Chemistry Summer Homework 2024
I. Scientific Article Summary
Read a scientific article about chemistry research and write an evaluation. Written requirement: must include APA formatted title page, summary of article with critical evaluation of at least 3 points presented in the article, conclusion, and reference (min 1 page)
II. Research Project on Water Treatment and Conservation
You may include research about the world water crisis, methods of purifying
water, etc.
III. Research Project on the Use of Radioactive Nuclides
This project will give you an opportunity to explore and learn about some of the practical applications of nuclear chemistry. Select ONE of the possible topics below and explore it in depth.
Topics to choose from:
Radioactive Dating
Radioactive Nuclides in Medicine (choose a specific area)
Radioactive Nuclides in Agriculture (choose a specific area)
Nuclear Fusion and Fission as a Power Source
Your projects should include the following information:
Topic Title
Necessary background information
Relationship to chemistry
Uses of the topic
Advantages. Disadvantages
Future of this topic / alternative applications
Relevant images or diagrams
Sources – reliability of your sources matters; use MLA format for citations
* Ex. Wikipedia – not reliable because can be changed by anyone
* Ex. Scientific journals – very reliable because results formed from observation
and experimentation
* You must have a minimum of THREEsources
The format of the projects can be informational pamphlets, posters, video, etc. Be
Summer HW is due Monday, September 16, 2024