page contents

 Welcome to Science class!

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Christmas holiday.   


We are now ready to move on to another great nine weeks of learning and fun.  Please encourage your child to be on time and ready to participate each day.


If you need to contact me, please call the school and leave a message.  I will call you back as soon as I can.  All conferences will be scheduled Tuesday through Thursday between 11:15 and 11:45.



Science Information  

  • Study guides are given out prior to each 100 point test.  Please study this information with your child to ensure that he/she masters the material to be tested.  
  • Please be sure to have your child study both the study guide as well as the information in the green composition notebook and any additional pages in his/her green science folder.
  • All tests include multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and constructed response questions.  Tests will include material from the study guide as well as anything discussed or done in class.


Additional Grades

  • Additional grades will be taken throughout each nine week period.  These grades will come from projects/performance in class, quizzes, interactive notebooks, and lab journals. 



 Test Dates

  • Test dates for 100 point tests are written on your child's study guide as well as posted on the CES calendar for your convenience.



 Class Materials:

  • All students should bring their green composition notebook, green folder, and AR books to class each day.  Please do not take the studyguides out of the green folder as we sometimes use them in class.