Welcome to Mrs. Gautreaux's
Super Hero Class
I am delighted to have your child in our class, and I are looking forward to sharing in his/her growth and development this year. I have prepared this letter in hopes of sharing some general information about the year ahead. I hope it answers any questions you might have regarding procedures and expectations. If you have a question, please call the school and leave a message, and I will return your call ASAP.
Take-Home /Reading Log Folder (RED): Each student will have a take-home folder, which will include AR information sheet for keeping track of books they are reading. This gives parents and teachers a way to monitor reading on a regular basis. The Parent Command Center website is a great way to check your child's grades. If you need assistance, please call the front office. This folder will be kept in the student's booksack and brought home daily with any important notes/ papers each week.
Graded Papers: Graded papers will not be sent home in the Red Take Home folder.
Discipline Policy: I strive to use positive discipline in the classroom. Your child will be rewarded for cooperation and hard work. Class rules are listed below. If a rule is broken, your child will receive a mark in their planner. Marks will also be recorded on the teacher clipboard to assure accuracy. All negative consequences are clearly stated for your child. Our first week of school will be focused on learning and review of all Classroom/ School RULES and guidelines to assure proper behavior on campus.
- Exercise self-control 1.Getting points for good behavior
2. Be on time with materials prepared to learn
3. Respect rights, feelings, and property of others. 2. Stories and treats.
3. Tickets in the class jar to earn free
time/ candy/ STAR BUCKS.
4. Listen and follow class/school RULES. 4. Know you are a good citizen at school.
5. Refrain from unnecessary noise in class
and school campus.
Your child will be asked to be responsible for their actions in class.
Negative Consequences:
Your child is expected to follow rules listed in the student handbook given at orientation. In relation to our school policy, classroom strikes and steps will be given if rules are broken.
Conferences: I believe that parent-teacher communication is very important with regards to your child’s success as a student. At this age level, conferences are scheduled as needed, but there is no required conference held. If a conference is needed, a note will be sent home or a phone conference made. Should you, as a parent, feel a need for a conference, please call the office to schedule one. My conference time is third period. If that does not fit into your working schedule, please let me know, and I will do my best to accommodate you.
E-mail: A quick and easy way to contact us is through E-mail. My address is dana.g[email protected] . I check my E-mail daily, but during school hours it can be challenging to check and respond to incoming mail. Therefore, if you need immediate assistance please call the office.
Assignments: If your child does not complete his/her work at school, then he/she needs to complete those assignments at home, plus any studying that might need to be done. We will be keeping a Reading Calendar as part of our reading class, so encourage your child to spend 20 min. every day reading in his/her AR book. A certain # of points will be required every 9 weeks based on your child’s performance on level testing in AR. I am grateful for your support.
Absences: Absences are strongly discouraged for reasons other than personal illness, death in the family, or extenuating circumstances. If your child must be absent, please send a note to the office before school on the day he/she returns to school.
Make-Up Work: If your child has been absent for one day, he/she may pick up the work from the teacher the day he/she returns. If your child has been out several days, please call the school and inform the office when you will pick up the work missed. We greatly appreciate your help on this matter.
Keep Informed: Your child has a school email account if you signed the necessary paperwork. Our classroom has a Google Classroom site that you can access with their help. All study material and items placed in their binder and in class are also posted there for study and review. It's a great way to stay informed and check your child's planner. Quizlet is a wonderful way for your student to practice for vocabulary tests. This can be accessed on our Google Classroom page. Students will also be using the www.noredink.com website each week.
Remind101: Please make sure you check for important paperwork. A sheet inviting you to join the Remind 101 Application is sent home in the first week of school. If you do not see the invitation, please email me for the access code. I send home daily reminders of what is for homework and what to expect in the coming week. Great way to easily stay informed.