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Classes I Teach / My Schedule

English 11   Per. 1 Room 211

                     Per. 4 Room 215

                     Per. 8 Room 215


Environmental Science  

                     Per. 2 Room 309 

                     Per. 5 Room 309



Class Rules: The following rules apply for all of my classes.


1. Be on time for class.


2. Come to class ready to work, you should have a note book and something to write with.


3. No eating or drinking in class. Water is OK, but no soda, tea or juice.


4. No phones in class. Shut off your phone and keep it put away. 


5. No passes to locker.


6. Leave on time, don't be late for your next class.


Grading Criteria


Do Now  


Class Participation   10%


Homework and Special Assignments 15%


Tests   50%


Quizzes   25%