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Hello students and parents,


Welcome to this website. My name is Mrs Njideka Emele and I teach 7th and 8th grade Science. I am excited that this year will be a successful one and I hope you feel likewise. Our goal in our classes is to achieve academic success and excellence. In order to attain our goal, students need to prepare themselves to be focused, engaged, cooperative, accountable, and respectful. These qualities will enable students to obtain maximum learning.


In addition, may I request that my parents will work together with me to make sure that students attend classes regularly. Also, I request that my parents will work together with me to make sure that students are completing their assignments regularly and on time. Furthermore, I request that the students, parents, and teacher will treat one another with compassion, respect, and empathy for us to scale through this year courageously and successfully.







My email address is [email protected]