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    Welcome to Third Grade!   We are going to have a wonderful year together!  We start off our morning by coming in and getting unpacked, listening to the announcements, and discussing our day.  At this time, we will view our Mindfulness Question on our Classroom Graffitti wall.

 Around 9:00 we are ready to begin our Math Block.  Math starts off with a Daily math warm up to get our brains flowing.  Each day, we have a mini-lesson on the back carpet, discussing a new strategy to solve equations.  Students then break off into small math learning groups and will complete two rotations.  One rotation is working with a teacher, and one rotation is working independently.  We will be learning all about Multiplication, Division, Fractions, and various ways to solve.  After Math, we have our Language Arts Block, consisting of Reading and Writing Workshop.  Language Arts starts off with our Reading Workshop, beginning with a mini-lesson and read aloud, focusing on a new reading strategy.  Then we break off into our Guided Reading Groups.  Every day students will either be reading independently and working on skills, or reading in a small guided reading group with a teacher to stregthen reading and thinking skills.  During this time we are always thinking about new ideas and making predictions!  Following Reading Workshop, we jump right into Writing Workshop.  We will be practicing ways to streghthen our writing, and working on personal narratives, narratives, and persuasive writing pieces throughout the year.  Fundations is next!  We continue with our decoding skills and practicing different spelling strategies in our Fundations block. After a long busy morning, and all of our hard work it is finally time for lunch!  Lunch and recess is from 12:25-1:10. After lunch we head  to Special from 1:15-1:55.  

   After Special, we start our Science and Social Studies Block.  Throughout the year we will be studying different topics, and even working on mini science experiments!  We end our day of fun learning at 3:00