10 New Years Resolutions for Parents by J. Borget
1. Don’t compare yourself to other parents: Enough with the guilt trips. We don’t need to be jealous of how Ms. Doe down the street managed to make 30 glorious goodie bags for the kindergarten class your child is in. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your strengths; improve your weaknesses, if you want. But stop worrying about what all the other parents are posting on "Fakebook".
2. Less time on our cell phones: Now I love a quick break on my phone, but being constantly attached all day is just too much. I’m not going to recommend a specific time limit, but if we all make a conscious effort to be more aware of how often we’re staring blankly at our screens versus paying attention to our kids, I bet we could make a bigger impact.
3. Give ourselves a time-out: A key to staying sane is taking time for ourselves. Whether that means reading a book during naptime, or a bubble bath in the evening, scheduling time to hit the “reset” button is crucial.
4. Read to our kids more: Such a simple, fun task. Dust off your library card and check out some new books daily. Reading is a fantastic bonding and easy learning opportunity for your and your kids.
5. Get outside and play: I don’t see families and kids outside playing like I remember growing up. There’s so much technology and entertainment indoors these days, which is wonderful, but there’s nothing like fresh air to bring the family together.
6. Make our health a priority: Our kids want us around awhile, so get active! I know it can be hard squeezing in gym time, but you can get the kids involved by riding along with bikes (or with a trailer attachment) or pushing them along for walks in the stroller. Every little bit counts!
7. Don’t worry as much: As parents we worry too much. What if our kids get sick? How will we afford college? Will sleep training really turn my kid into a mass murderer? Take a deep breath with me this year and shrug off the stress.
8. Make time for each other (spouse and family): Choose an evening once a week as a family night to do things together. Also schedule a regular time to reconnect with your spouse. Whether it’s a date night out, or a night in to reconnect.
9. Stop criticizing other parents: We all could use a little more love and compassion. Parents—Especially moms have a tendency to judge other parents who aren’t doing things the way we’re doing them. Let’s all take a bite of humble pie and make a pact to support one another this year as we all try our best to be good parents to the little people we love so much.
10. Laugh more: They say laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes we parents take things too seriously. Especially this day and age. Let’s try to see things at face value and take things for what they’re worth. Enjoy life and laugh at its hiccups.