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Mrs. Janiszewski / Mr. Jaros

Bayonne Board of Education-High School School year 2024-2025

House 1 Room #108

Spanish Level 1

email: [email protected] / [email protected]


Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students:


Schoology is the District's Learning Management System (LMS). This tool communicates with students and families through teacher pages, posts assignments and information for students, and accepts student assignments, among other things. Students can access Schoology from any computer or mobile device with Internet access.

Students access Schoology by visiting the website


Login Credentials for your student's Chromebook and Schoology are your First Name, Last Name, and the last two digits of your graduation year, followed by


Your password is bboed followed by your student ID number (NO SPACES)


Example username:  [email protected]


Example password:  bboed123456


(More information about Schoology and other online resources can be found on the Student tab of the BBOED website at




 Back to School Night - Thursday, September 19, 2024


Spanish Online

The McGraw-Hill and Glencoe websites ( provide internet enrichment activities and links for students to review/study/practice.  Each chapter has Self-Check Quizzes, games, and WebQuest activities. These activities will help students communicate and converse as they practice the target language.  Textbook-Asi Se Dice!


Visit the following websites to practice/review  (lesson reinforcement/exams and quizzes)



 !Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish 1


Course description (Spanish 1)


Spanish 1 - Students will develop communication skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) in Spanish I.  Students are offered insight into the culture and civilization of the countries where the language is spoken and encouraged to have a positive attitude toward language learning.  In Spanish I, students will communicate effectively with others, be astute in their observation of global cultures, be insightful in their evaluation of their learning, and be active in their participation in the community and global marketplace.  Projects may be assigned throughout the year, focusing on the language, culture, and current events.


 Interdisciplinary connections: English- Grammar, Vocabulary /Culture / Math  / Geography  /Music / Art  / Science / Social Studies / History



 Course materials/supplies:  


Textbook and workbook-Asi Se Dice! by McGraw Hill


Supplies: notebook (notebook will be graded, so please make sure it is a  notebook just for Spanish; pencils/pens; pocket folder)



Attendance:  The Bayonne High School attendance/tardy policy will be followed.


 Homework:  Students should expect homework to be assigned every day. 


Unless otherwise noted when assigned, it should be completed by the next school day.


Homework /assignments and announcements are posted daily in Google Classroom.


Make-up work: It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missing work after an absence.


 Testing: Students will be tested at the end of each chapter on the information covered during class hours and in assignments.  Quizzes will be given periodically and may be either announced or unannounced.



Grading: The grading criteria are as follows:


                 Tests ................................................................................60%






                 Classwork/ Participation...............................................10%


TechnologySchoology is the District's Learning Management System (LMS). (See above under "Welcome" for more information about Schoology.) Students are required to bring their Chromebooks to class daily. They will be able to complete all tasks on their Chromebooks. The smartboard will be used to support visual learners.  




Cheating: Cheating in any form is prohibited.  Any student cheating on any test, quiz,

 assignment, project, essay, etc., will receive a zero for that assignment.  This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism and using translation software and websites. 



Classroom Rules and Expectations - Students are expected to:


1. Be on time.


2. Be prepared.


3. Be respectful.


4. Be responsible.


5. No eating/drinking in class.


6. Never use profanity.


7. Cell phones may not be used in class. (Parents/guardians, if you need to contact your daughter/son, please call the school office.) 


8. Adhere to all other Bayonne High School policies and guidelines.




1. Warning.  (Maybe verbal)


2. Parent contact and/or detention.


3. Referral to the VP’s office / Dean of discipline


NOTE:  Some behavior may warrant an immediate referral to the Vice Principal’s office.