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From the Office:


-No student sign-outs after 2:00.

-No e-mails for transportation changes.

-Transportation changes need to be called/faxed into the office prior to 12:00.

-There will be a $12 fee per returned check.


Attendance:  Please remember to send a doctor's excuse or parent excuse within 3 days of your child's absence.  Notes cannot be accepted after 3 days.



Upon entering the school at any time of day, please stop by the front office to sign in and receive a visitor’s sticker.  If you have any questions regarding sign-in procedures at BHES, please contact the front office staff.  They will be happy to help you.


In order to maintain student safety, please refrain from dropping children off at the crosswalk or front doors upon arrival at school.  Please utilize the car line for drop off or sign in with the front office to walk your child to class.  We appreciate your support of our school!