page contents
Book bag 
Four (4) two-pocket folders
Four (4) glue sticks
Pair of small scissors
Three (3) standard size school erasers (please do not buy huge erasers)
Two (2) thin dry erase makers (prefer black)
clear ruler with inches and millimeters (prefer flat that can fit in a folder)
Two (2) 1-gallon Ziploc bags labelled with student's name
Pencil bag, or Ziploc bag (with name on it)
box of tissues to share with class (optional)
Two (2) Marbled-cover composition books (at least 100 pages-not spiral bound)
One (1) one-inch 3-ring binder with dividers
Two (2) spiral notebooks for math
Two (2) dozen #2 pencils (sharpened) and a small pencil sharpener
One (1) box of crayons ( 16-24 in a box) and Colored pencils
2 highlighters
Home access to a dictionary, markers, crayons, and  metric/standard ruler