page contents

Oh, you don't have time to read books? Perhaps abstaining from InstaGram  may free up some time? - Willy Wonka | Meme Generator   


Welcome to Mr. Bier's classroom website for AP Language and Composition and CP English III classes. You should have received hard copies of the following documents at the beginning of the school year, but digital copies are available both here and on Google Classroom for your convenience. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or stop by my classroom (room 204) during the listed office hours.


AP Language and Composition:



CP English III:



Books are like, Mind Movies | How high are you, Funny images


I have also attached below the writing resources that you will be using throughout the school year. You should already have hard copies of these available in the "Writing" section of your class binder, but they are available here should you need to access them:



Those who still read books - memes post - Imgur