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Here is the suggested supply list items for second grade:


(please label all supplies)

2 - Crayons (24/box)

1 – 4 pack of glue sticks

1 – 12-pack of pencils 

(please sharpen ahead of time)

1 - Pencil sharpener

2- Erasers

2 - Marble composition notebooks

1 – Homework Folder (No Binders)

2- Folders (1 Blue, 1 Orange)

2 – Tissue boxes

2- Bottles of liquid glue

1- Pair of Blunt Scissors

1 – 6 pack of yellow Post-It Notes 3”X 3”

2- Lysol wipes

1- Pack of Expo markers

2- Hand sanitizer pumps for individual use 

1- Zippered pencil case or small supply box 

1- Ear buds/headphones for computers (must be in a Ziplock bag with student’s name on it)