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The ABC's of First Grade







Attendance is very important! If your child misses school, please remember to write a note or call the nurse telling why your child is absent.  Missed work can be requested by calling the office before 9:00 am. 


 Your child will have an Assignment book this year.  All homework assignments will be written in it on a daily basis.  Please check it each night and have your child return it to school each day.


 Every child's Birthday is important. Students will participate in a special birthday celebration.  We will share a favorite story and complete a birthday Mad Lib.  Please have your child bring a favorite picture book to share on this special day.  If you desire to share the story with the class to help celebrate your child's birthday please let me know.   We would love to have parents join our celebration.  Birthday celebrations will take place right after lunch or at the end of the school day.  Ice cream may be purchased for the whole class as a special snack during lunch. Please just let me know a few days ahead of time so the cafeteria has enough ice cream. 


Communication is very important. Feel free to contact me whenever you have a question or concern.   I can be reached by phone at (908) 475-4773 ext 3410 or by e-mail [email protected].

My system for
Discipline is simple. We work hard to make the classroom a positive and safe place for all. Rules are agreed upon during the first week of school and read and discussed daily. I use the "Traffic Light" system to manage classroom behavior. 


                             Blue: Setting an outstanding example! Watch for your child

                                      to come home with a smelly on his hand.  Ask about

                                      his terrific behavior.


                              Green:  Keep up the good work. (Each child starts here daily)


                              Yellow:  Slow down and think about your behavior.


                              Red:  Stop! Change your behavior.  Consequences


                                        (Time out,  loss of a few minutes of recess)


 First grade is an Exciting year. 


We will be going on a Field trip. We always like for room parents to go with us.



G is for the good times we will have learning all year! 



Please make sure your child's Homework folder is sent to school each day.  It will be checked for notes from home and homework on a daily basis at school.  I will also use it to send notes, papers, homework and school information home to you. Please check it every evening. 


Students may have Homework Monday through Thursday.  The homework assignments will vary.  Please check your child's homework folder and assignment book every day for important information.  With each new phonic skill a story will be sent home for students to read.  Parents are asked to initial and date the booklet daily.  Please keep the story in your child's folder until a new one is sent home.  In December, homework will include participation in a daily reading log.  Students may choose a book from home or school to read each night with a family member.   The log will then be dated, signed and returned to school in their folder.


It is Important to keep all records current. If you move, get a new phone number, or change babysitters, please be sure to inform the school. 

Don't forget to
Join the PTO! Parent participation is important and valued. 


Journal writing will take place in first grade.  Children have the choice to complete entries in their writer's journals each day during centertime. We will also complete other writing projects throughout the school year.


The Keys to a successful school year include good communication between home and school, a positive attitude, homework turned in on time and good attendance.


We will be checking out Library books each week.  Please remember to return library books on Monday.


Lunch can be purchased eachday.  Each student will have a lunch card.  The cost of lunch is $3.75.  You may send in a check and pay for a week or two worth of lunches at a time.  It will be recorded on your child's lunch card and saves your child from having to be responsible for money each day.


Money is difficult for a child to keep track of.  Please send all money in a sealed envelope or bag labeled with your child's name.


Each child will the privilege of being our class Mvp.   Watch for your child to come home with more information when chosen.


Our school Nurse is on staff to take care of any emergencies and needed medications.   If your child has a fever or has been sick the night before, please do not send him/her to school.


We will be placing book Orders through the Scholastic Book Club throughout the year.  If you would like to order any books please make checks payable to Scholastic or order online.  


Parent/teacher conferences will be held during November and upon request in February.   I look forward to meeting each parent individually! 


We will have two Parties this year. We look forward to celebrating  a Winter Holiday party and a Valentine's Day party with our room parents.  


Questions?  Please feel free to contact me or the school.  I try to check my voicemail and e-mail on a daily basis.


 Reading is very important.  We will be reading, reading, reading in first grade.  Please read to your child as often as possible.  In December, students will be asked to participate in a daily reading log.  Students may choose a book from home or school to read to a family member.  The log will then be dated and signed.  It is to remain in their "take home" folder. 


Pleae review our school Rules with your child. It is important that your child understand and follow our classroom rules. Our classroom rules can be summed up this way:


1.  Show respect


2.  Be responsible (follow the directions)


3.  Have fun!



Snow!  On days when inclement weather requires a 2 hour delayed opening there will be a shortened lunch.   


Please help your child learn to Tie his/her shoes. We hope that everyone knows how by December!


 Your child is important to me!  I will always treat your child with lots of love, respect, and Understanding!!


Parent Volunteers are appreciated.   If you have some time to offer-either in the classroom or at home-please sign the parent volunteer form at open house.   Help is always needed and appreciated.  If you aren't able to come for any reason, please give as much notice as possible.  We count and plan on you!!  You must always sign in at the office.  Strangers at school cause concern and will be asked to report to the office. 


 Have your child Wear practical clothes to school.  We will make every effort to protect your child's clothes. Also,  please label all jackets, sweaters, backpacks, and lunch boxes with permanent ink.


 I am looking forward to an eXcellent year.

Please remember that Y
ou are your child's first and most important teacher. No one can influence your child's life in the way that you can!

is for zoom! Sit back and watch your child's skills take off! You will be amazed and surprised at the changes this year.