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Ms. Daniel's English I Classroom Information Guide



Goals for the Year: (1) Promote and nurture the development of effective communicative and writing skills (2) Encourage and assist the development and use of reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, and independent thinking 


Oncourse Connect: Students and parents can monitor student work, grades, attendance, messages, and behavior information via Oncourse Connect. You may sign up for it at the school's front office. The site may be accessed through under the Guardians tab. If you need help using Oncourse Connect, the video “OnCourse Connect Parent and Student Tutorial” is available on Youtube and may help assist you in its usage.


Homework: Students are rarely assigned homework. However, it may be necessary for students to complete work begun in class at home. When this happens, it is important for students to actually do the work at home as it will be picked up the next day for grading, and the student may or may not receive extra class time to work on it. 


Cumulative Grading: At the high school level grading is cumulative. This means that grading does not begin anew at the end of each grading period, as it does at the elementary, middle, and junior high school levels, but continues to accumulate and build until the end of the semester, culminating in a final grade. At the end of the second semester, the first semester grade and the second semester grade are averaged together for a final grade at the end of the school year.


Grading Scale: English I is a mandatory class and must be passed for students to attain enough credits to graduate. Hence, I strictly follow the Tangipahoa Parish School System grading scale:


A = 100-93 B = 92-85 C = 84-75 D = 74-67 F = 66-0


Evaluation/Grading: Students will know in advance of any testing (at least a week). Students receive weekly ELA grades. Tests will generally be given on Fridays. Make-up tests are scheduled to accommodate the student and the teacher.


LEAP Testing: Students take the LEAP test at the end of every year as a part of end-of-course testing. This test accounts for 15% of students' second semester grade and can help determine whether a student proceeds to the next grade or is held back another year, so it is important that students take this test seriously. The score results  for the test are: Unsatisfactory, Approaching Basic, Basic,  Mastery, and Advanced. 


Class Reading: In the event that students complete an assignment ahead of time, it is permissible for them to engage in silent reading. Therefore, students should carry a book or novel of their choice with them at all times. Students may select a book from the teacher’s book case in class if they forget to bring their own reading materials. 


Progress Reports: The school will issue progress reports each grading period. In addition to that, I will be sending emails of student progress in my class every two weeks. Therefore, it is highly recommended that parents and guardians provide and maintain a valid email where they can receive those emails..


Absences and Make-up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to gather missed work due to absenteeism. I will not remind you to turn in make-up work; it is your responsibility. There will be a 5-point grade deduction for assignments turned in within the first 3 days of  absence, a 10-point grade deduction for grades turned in later than that. I will not, however, accept grades that are late by an entire grading period. Students are given 3 days to submit a parent’s excuse and 5 days to submit a doctor’s excuse for an absence. Please refer to your handbook for specific information about  absences and make-up work.


Class Behavior: Free discussion, inquiry, and expression are encouraged in this class. However, classroom behavior that interferes with either: (1) the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or (2) a student’s ability to benefit from the instruction is not tolerated and will cause the student to be referred for disciplinary action.


Examples of Intolerable Behavior: Routinely entering class late, sleeping during class, not having assignments or needed materials, repeatedly talking in class without being recognized and about subjects not connected with class discussion, talking while others are talking, completing other teacher’s assignments during my class without permission, exhibiting off-task behavior--grooming, drawing, letters, cell phone usage, etc.


Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating of any form will cause the student(s) to receive a zero and a minor referral. This includes the cheater and the person(s) assisting the cheater. Parents will be notified by phone call or email. If the behavior occurs again, the student(s) will be referred to administration for disciplinary action, which may entail anything from detention to suspension.


Cell Phone: School Policy dictates that cell phones should not be out during the class period. But as with all rules, there are exceptions. If you have an important call (a loved one is in the hospital, you are bleeding or in severe pain and need to call someone to get you, there has been a sudden change in your schedule and your mom is/or will be contacting you to let you know that you need to be home to meet your little brother or sister, etc) please let me know at the start of class or remind me during class when the call comes through, and I will allow you to step outside and answer the call. Aside from emergencies, your phone should NEVER be out during class.


Parent Conferences: Please schedule any conferences or meetings through the front office.


Finally, I realize these procedures may seem extensive and meticulous, but they are necessary to help keep your child safe and to provide the best learning environment for your child. Thanks.