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"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.-Carl Sagan

March News 





INFORMATION for 8th Grade Parents:



 GRADE 7  IS STUDYING: photosynthesis and respiration





Evidence notebook, scissors, glue, hot glue gun and sticks, folder,

markers or colored pencils would be great too!

Online Science Textbook Codes - At bboed site, choose students, then Websites for students, then Edscience,  log in with student Google account CLEVER




Individual notebook for SS only

All homework posted by 3:05 on Google Classroom

If no assignments posted, review notes

Please check Realtime-a grade of 0 is a missing assignment



Please have-notebook, journal, individual folder, pens, pencils, markers

Novel based curriculum

All assignments posted on Google Classroom

Current Novels

Grade 7-The Outsiders

Grade 8-Of Mice and Men






Students need to practice and reinforce Math skills by practicing daily on IXL   (at least 30 minutes daily , skills are posted in class .)

From now until June , there is a competition on IXL's Leaderboard  , the students with Most  Correct Answers will 

win a prize !        They are working on ST Math in school each day for 20 minutes .


** ALL students have improved their Math Skills  on IXL !

        AGAIN :  Students  should spend 30 minutes a day on  IXL   . This will help your child succeed in high school and beyond !




Clubs to join : Math Olympiad ,[email protected]

                       Stem Club  : [email protected]

                       Student Council  : [email protected]

                       Peer: [email protected]


                      Chess :[email protected]

                      Geography Bee : [email protected]