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Dawn Aiello
(201) 858-5920
Director of Mathematics
September 2024
Dear Grade 4-8 Parent /Guardian,
This letter is to inform you that the Bayonne Board of Education has updated the promotion and retention regulation 5410 as it relates to mathematics in grades 4-8. A student failing mathematics (alone) will be retained in grade.
A proactive program will be offered for additional mathematics supports for select grade 4-8 students. tudents who are identified in danger of failing mathematics on their progress report and/or end of the marking period report cards will be selected for a half-hour, zero period AM mathematics tutorial program on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at their neighborhood school. This class will start at 7:55 am and end at 8:25 am. A student selected for this program can exit the program if they earn a mathematics grade of 78 or better in the following marking period.
Selected students who fail to maintain regular attendance in the morning tutorial sessions and end up failing mathematics for the year will not be eligible for elementary mathematics summer school.
The purpose of this AM mathematics tutorial program is to close the mathematics learning gaps for students who are failing mathematics to prevent retention. This class is strictly for students identified as in danger of failing or failing mathematics, not as an “extra credit” or supplemental class.
The mathematics department will notify the parent/guardian by mail if their child is identified as a student in danger of failing mathematics based on progress reports and report card grades.
Research has shown that mathematics proficiency is the greatest predictor of academic success. The Bayonne Board of Education is committed to improving student learning.
Best Regards,
Dawn Aiello
“The Bayonne Public School Family - Moving From Good to Great”