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What is Co-Teaching?

Co-teaching is when two certified teachers are present in the classroom and they work together through the teaching process: planning, teaching, and assessing student progress. In a co-taught setting, the teachers are considered equally responsible and accountable for instruction.


What are the benefits to Co-Teaching?

There are many proven benefits to co-teaching. Students frequently have different learning styles and preferences. Co-teaching allows those different needs to be more easily met because the teacher-to-student ratio is reduced. Additionally, Ms.Conklin,Ms.Guht, and Mr.Deitz are the fifth grade content experts and Mrs.McCart is the strategy specialist. Combining their expertise creates opportunities for all students to be successful. Lastly, co-teaching allows for an inclusive setting where students remain in class and instruction is integrated.


What does Co-Teaching look like?

Two teachers in the same classroom look different depending on the activity and the needs of the students. Sometimes, we may split the class into two groups with each teacher teaching one of the groups; this allows for a smaller teacher-to-student ratio for more complex topics. Other times, one teacher may pull a small group aside for additional-support instruction while the other teacher assists students with an enrichment assignment. This allows for all students to get the support they need.  If you are interested in learning more about the different co-teaching strategies, this website offers quick summaries of each strategy:


Who is the “head” teacher?

Simple answer: both of us. One of our biggest goals as co-teachers is to establish parity and be viewed as equals among the school community. Both of us share roles and responsibilities within the classroom and continuously communicate in order to ensure consistency for students. Always feel free to communicate with either or both of us at any time!