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Staying involved in your child's education is the key to a successful year. Engage your child in conversation about his/her day, but know that children won't always give out much information. 


      Be sure to check your child's homework folder every evening. You'll usually find it filled with homework, projects, flyers, notices from the office, as well as notes from me. You can use this as a springboard for discussion; instead of saying "What did you do at school today?" (The answer is often "nothing!"), you can say, "Oh, I see you're learning about_____.  What did you find out?"


      Please sort through the papers in the folder and read each one.  The notices often contain important information and reminders. Your child should come to school the next day with a fairly empty folder, leaving just homework or notes to me. You might want to keep a special folder at home that is designated the “Important Notices Folder” that you can refer to throughout the school year.