High School Graduation Assessment Requirements:
BHS Graduation Requirements.pdf
BHS 2024-2025 Calendar
Student Contract
Student Contract 2024-2025.pdf
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
Be prepared to learn. In order for this class to run smoothly, you are responsible for bringing your materials, completing your assignments on time, being organized, and participating.
Cutting is not allowed and will not be tolerated. If you cut class, you will receive a zero for the day. If you are caught cutting on a test day you will receive a zero for that test.
Complete and submit all assignments on time. No late assignments!
Listen to others and participate in class discussions.
Ask questions. If you do not understand something, please say so. Please raise your hand, find me outside of class, or send me an email.
Cell phones must not be visible or used during class.
Study and prepare for all scheduled tests, quizzes and exams. If you are caught cheating or talking during tests or quizzes, you will receive a zero.
Wait for the teacher to dismiss class.
Suggested Supplies:
- (1) 3 subject notebook used exclusively for math
- (1) Pocket folder or binder to collect handouts and worksheets
- (2) Sharpened pencils
Homework Policy
- Homework will be assigned daily. Homework should be completed with all work/computation showing. No credit will be given without work.
- Points will be taken away for uncompleted homework.
- If you are absent, homework for the day(s) you miss will be due when you return. You may look up homework assignments on Schoology.
Tests / Quizzes
- 4-6 assessments will be given each marking period in addition to the District Assessment exam.
- Quizzes can be given at any time. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
- A failure is below 70
- The grade will consist of the average of the following:
All Test Grades: 70%
Quiz Average: 15%
Homework Average: 15%