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                                 Daily Schedule 




Period 1:Unpack/AR/Morning Work /School News/Attendance/Pledge & Mission Statement (8:30 - 9:05)

   Description: Students arrive to the classroom and unpack their backpack, use restroom, take Accelerated     

     Reader comprehension test, work on morning work, watch school news, recite the pledge of allegiance and class

     mission statement. 


Period 2: Special Area Classes (9:05 - 9:50)

Speacial Area Classes include: P.E., Art, Music


Period 3: Literacy Block (9:50 - 11:40)


Read and write words with short vowel i phoneme

- Practice Asking and Answering Questions

- Identify Subjects in a sentence

- Reading and identifying rhyming words

- Reading Intervention using i-Ready Learning Path


Period 4: Intro to daily math lesson (11:40 - 12:00)


- Fun with Math Videos concentrating on daily Objective

- Interactive Review on Smartboard


Period 5: Lunch (12:00 - 12:25)


Students eat lunch in classroom while watching Rock & Learn Educational video.


Period 6: Go Math Daily Lesson (12:25 - 1:40)


This week in Math: 

- Ordering Objects by length

- using nonstandard units of measurement to measure real world objects

- Measuring using an inch ruler

- i-Ready Diagnostic Testing Wednesday & Thursday in the classroom

- Chapter 9 Math Test Friday (9/18)


Period 7: Handwriting (1:40 - 2:05)


- Students fix sentences (correct misspelled words, correct punctuation, practice using proper letter formation and appropriate spacing between words, illustrate their work)


Recess (2:05 - 2:25)


Period 8: Science/Social Studies/Character Education (2:25 - 3:10)


- Students will concentrate on Science/Social Studies/Character Education. Lessons will vary depending on the day. 


Dismissal (3:10)


Mrs. Dalla Costa will dismiss students according to School Dismissal Manager until 3:20

- Mrs. Kilhefner will walk car riders/walkers/Kid's World to the front of the school at 3:20.

- Mrs. Dalla Costa will continue to dismiss bus riders and Dawn to Dusk students from the classroom.

- Dawn to Dusk students are picked in the classroom between 3:25-3:30