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General Information About GT Math







Contact Information:


Remind App:

Please be sure to sign up for my gifted math Remind. I will occasionally send messages regarding upcoming events, notices, and other important information. You may also contact me through Remind. 


5th Grade: text @dh348f to 81010

6th Grade: text @984f868 to 81010

Enrichment: text @gtenrichem to 81010




[email protected]








Graded Papers/Sign-And-Returns:

Graded papers go home every Wednesday. Please review your child's work, sign the top sheet and return them to school on Thursday. Please do not take the papers apart.

*If you would like to keep your child's papers longer please send a note to school notifying us of that.*



Test and Assignments:

Your child is responsible for writing down homework and upcoming test dates in his/her homework assignment book.



Grading Scale:

A: 100-93

B: 92-85

C: 84-75

D: 74-67

F: 66-0