Welcome to our class web page!
Please use this website to find some useful information and resources.
Second grade is a very important year for learning a variety of crucial skills.
We are building life long learning skills.
Please make sure to sign your child's planner daily.
Fluency homework is due on Friday.
Students should be reading for at least 20 minutes each night.
Students are able to check 3 books out at a time from the school library. They need to get 1 informational text. The other books are their choice. All books must be within their AR level.
Daily Essentials:
Students need to bring a water bottle each day. Please put their name on their water bottle. Students are also responsible to bring their own snack each day. Please make sure your child has headphones/earbuds by the first full week of school. We use them daily.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Ms. Hornsby