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Physical Education Grading System

In order for 2nd and 3rd grade students to be prepared for Physical Education class students are required to wear sneakers and socks.

If an excuse from Physical Education is desired because of injury or illness, there must be a note from a physician.  In certain situations a parent/ guardian note will be accepted as well.


Standard Outstanding


Needs Improvement (N)

Not Assessed (X)
2.1 Wellness Considers safety of self/ community

Applies basic principles of wellness

Treats others with respect

Adequate command of self/community safety

Adequate command of wellness principles

Treats others with respect

Limited command on safety of self/


Has shown lack of respect toward staff and/ or peers

Inadequate command of basic wellness principles

Medical exemption

New to district

Modified program

2.2 Integrated Skills Works well with peers

Outstanding attitude

Exhibits leadership/ role model skills

Follows directions

Interacts with peers

Positive attitude

Follows directions

Does not always relate with peers

Has displayed a negative attitude

Does not always follow directions

New to district

Modified program

2.5 Motor Skill Development Exhibits outstanding sportsmanship

Proficient or shows improvement in skills assessment

Can recite basic rules & regulations in content area

Exhibits good sportsmanship

Proficient in skills assessment

Knowledgeable of content area

Has displayed poor sportsmanship

Minimal or no effort in skill assessment

Below average skill assessment

Test not accessed

Medical exemption

Modified program

2.6 Physical Fitness Prepared for class

Outstanding participation

Exceeds or improves performance assessment

Aims to improve

Is adequately prepared for class

Passes performance tests

Maintains fitness level

Limited command of physical education


Unhealthy fitness level

Lack of participation

Medical exemption

New to district

Modified program




Prepared: A student is considered prepared for Physical Education class if he/she:

* Is wearing sneakers and socks. Has sneakers laced and tied properly for that day. If wearing a skirt, has shorts underneath.  No loose jewelry

 Participation and Cooperation: A student is considered to be participating and cooperating in physical education class if he/she:

* Participates in all required and expected class functions, unless permission is granted by the physical education teacher to not participate in some or all required class activities (Example: Doctor's note= excuse from class)

* Abides by the rules of the gym as well as the rules of the school.

Displays good attitude, good sportsmanship, and is respectful to the teachers and other students. 

* Always uses good manners