Course Description
Academic Biology is a six credit lab science which introduces the students to the basic fundamentals of the biological sciences, with emphasis on classifications,and beneficial/harmful characteristics of each phylum. The cellular basis of living things is emphasized as the unifying principle among living things. Major functional systems such as reproduction, cellular control, photosynthesis, respiration, heredity, evolution, and animal behavior are explored. Major phyla of animals are used to explain and demonstrate these processes. Major units of study include: the history of biology, classification of animals, cytology, and genetics. Knowledge and skills are developed thru laboratory work. Vocabulary and spelling skills related to course terms are developed, and math skills are applied in genetic calculations. Students are exposed to science related careers. Major assignments and requirements include notebooks, microscope slides, and computerized and/or preserved dissection of all lab animals.
Students grades are based primarily on tests, quizzes, homework, projects, class participation, labs, notebooks, and exams.