Welcome to
F i r s t G r a d e
Lincoln Community School!
Thank you for visiting our class website! Please explore the site to find lots of information about our class!
The school day begins at 8:40 sharp!
Dismissal is at 2:50.
I have also linked some of my favorite educational websites to the page. Take some time to check them out with your child. Children love to play on the computer! However, these websites will allow them to have fun and learn at the same time! |
- Go Lions!!! -
- Go Lions!!! -
. . . Believe in Magic! . . .

if we have the courage to pursue them!"
--Walt Disney
"When you're curious, you
find lots of interesting things to do!"
--Walt Disney

in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island!"
--Walt Disney
"The way to get started is to
quit talking and begin
--Walt Disney
"If you can dream it,
you can do it!"
--Walt Disney