Grading Policy
We will be using a Total Point System for our grades.
Every assignment, test, quiz, or project will be assigned a certain number of points (the bottom number). The number of points earned by the student will be the top number. Example: 48/50
All of the possible points will be added up. All of the points earned by your student will be added up.
NOTE: The lower the total point value of the assessment or assignment, the less "weight" that assessment or assignment carries.
This year (2024-2025) there is a new Diocesan Report Card:
Integrated Language Arts
Students will complete all of their language arts work, writing, reading, and grammar in school (unless it is preparation for a quiz/test). If you find your child coming home with any language arts for homework this means he/she was unable to complete the assignment in school.
If you consistently see your student bringing home classwork, please contact me and we can discuss a course of action.
If grammar or reading comprehension is assigned as homework, it will be posted on the homework board as homework for that night.
Math homework is given daily in order to reinforce the skills learned in class that day.
Math homework is place on the homework board daily.
Work is complied and placed in your classroom mailbox for when you return to school. For earlier access to worksheets that may have been used in math class, you will find them on the math team.
On time work earns 3 points (unless it was carelessly completed or incomplete); points drop for each day the assignment is late.
There is a limited time for late work, so please do not hand in work from weeks or months past.
Please visit the portal weekly in order to see the homework pattern and to catch any recently missed assignments.
Late homework will not be accepted once the test for that skill has been taken.
When a student does not hand in an assignment or take a test or quiz, there will be a "missing" placed in the parent portal. There will be a notation to the parent if the student was absent. This gives you, the parent, a better indication of where your student's grade actually stands. Once the assignment is made up, the missing will be replaced with a grade.
4th-grade homework is also graded using a Total Point System. One missing homework should not hurt a student's grade, but a pattern of missing homework will hurt a grade. Please frequently check the Parent Portal.
Please send me an email or a note if an emergency occurred that made it difficult for your child to complete his homework.
From Parent/Student Handbook:
If a student is taken out of school to go on vacation while school is in session, the parent assumes the responsibility for work missed. The teacher is NOT responsible for work missed because of vacation absence. Written classwork will not be given to any child before leaving for vacation. Make-up work is to be done at home upon the child’s return.