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Marking period 1-Three world meet: Pre revolution New Nation (Pre 1600) 



Enduring Understanding: European exploration expanded global, economic, and cultural exchange into the western hemisphere affecting the lives of both Native American and European people. 


Essential Questions :

  • How did the Age of Exploration and colonization impact the group coming into contact with each other? 

  • What European countries decided to establish “empires” in North America and why?

  • What lessons were learned from the early English settlements of Roanoke and Jamestown to aid in the establishment of future colonies?

  • Compare and contrast the political, social, and economic make-up of the Southern, Middle, and New England colonies?

  • How did the development of the plantation system in the South increase the need for slave labor in the Southern colonies?



Marking Period 2- Colonies Unite and The American Revolution 


Enduring Understanding: Disputes over authority and economic issues contributed to a movement for independence. 


Essential Questions:

  • What do people believe is worth fighting for?

  • What principles of government are expressed in the Declaration of Independence? 


Marking Period 3- American Expansion 


Enduring Understanding: Westward movement, industrial growth, increased immigration, slavery, and development of transportation systems increased regional tensions.


Essential Questions: 

  • How did the concept of manifest destiny influence the growth of the United States after the Revolutionary War?

  • What impact did the westward movement have politically, socially, and economically on different regions of the United States?

  • How did slavery evolve from the Revolution to the beginning of the Civil War? 


Marking Period 4- Civil War 


Enduring Understanding: The Civil War resulted from complex regional differences involving political, economic, and social issues as well as different views on slavery. 


Essential Questions:

  •  What factors led to the Civil War?

  • How did the Regional differences between the North and the South impact the course and outcome of the Civil War?

  • What was the impact of the Civil War on the nation?