page contents





Morning orchestra rehearsal is completed.

GREAT JOB in this year's Spring concert!


Please return any rented instruments.


See you in September!


Mr. Trogani






Weekly instrumental lessons will still be scheduled on Tuesdays during the school day.




 Hello and welcome to the Instrumental Band Program 

All 3rd - 6th grade students are welcomed. 





Instrumental lessons will start this week.


Please bring in your instrument if you have it at home, and we will schedule a lesson on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Fridays.




Mondays: Intermediate Band Lessons


Tuesdays: Beginner & Intermediate String Lessons


Fridays: Beginner Band Lessons




4-6 grade Morning Orchestra Rehearsals will begin in October.






Instrumental lessons are back!


Your child will be pulled from class, once a week. (based on a rotating schedule)




Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Thank you for your support!


Mr. Trogani




Why Play a String Instrument??


You can play ANY style of music on a string instrument. This can include classical, jazz, country, bluegrass, pop, hip-hop, rock, mariachi, and others.


Every culture in the world has string instruments and values the art of string in- strument playing. The violin family of instruments has not changed in design in hundreds of years. You are part of a centuries-old tradition.


Learning to play an instrument will give you something you can enjoy doing your entire life!


Here are some famous people that played a string instrument:

Thomas Jefferson – played the violin

Benjamin Franklin - played the guitar & violin

Woodrow Wilson - played the cello & violin

Jimi Hendrix - played the guitar & viola

Meryl Streep - plays the violin

Tony Hawk - plays the violin



 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Trogani

973-226-0505 ext.215