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Mr. Barry Douglass

Physical Education and Health Teacher

973-827-7440 ext. 419

[email protected]


Teacher Name                             Days of the Week                Time

Kindergarten-Mitchell           Mon/Wed                            M-1151-1232 W-1108-1149  

Kindergarten-Scrittore         Mon/Wed                            M-1108-1149 W-1151-1232

1st Grade -Allen                     Tues/Fri                               T-117-158 F-117-158

1st Grade-Dora                       Tues/Thurs                        T-859-940 Th-859-940

2nd Grade-Cullen                   Mon/Thurs                         M-200-241 Th-117-158                

2nd Grade-Hoover                 Mon/Wed                            M-117-158 W-200- 241    

3rd Grade--Colyer                   Mon/Fri                                M-942-1023 F-858-940 

3rd Grade-Kolb                        Mon/Wed                            M-859-940 W-859-940                   

4th Grade-Field                        Tues/Thurs                        T-942-1023 Th-942-1023                           

4th Grade-Field                         Fri (Health)                         F-942-1023             


Please have your students wear sneakers on the day of Physical Education.  Please make sure that your child wears clothing that they can move around in.  No dresses or skirts on the day of Physical Education                                                                                                                                     


Teacher Name                        Days of the Week                               Time

5th Grade-Dean                 Tues/Thurs                                      T-1108-1149 Th-1108-1149 

5th Grade-Dean                  Fri (Health)                                       F-1108-1149

6th Grade                             Tues, Thurs, Fri                              T,Th,Fr-1234-115      

7th Grade                             Tues,Thurs, Fri                               T,Th,Fr-1151-1232                   

8th Grade                             Tues,Thurs,Fri                                T,Th,Fr-200-241                        



OFFICE HOURS 8:16-8:57







 A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, or national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America," for an amount of "up to and including THEIR LIFE."

Author: ~Unknown Author