These are concepts your child needs to know by the end of the year:
Please practice at home:
Counting objects up to 40
Counting to 115
Counting backwards from 25
Writing any given numeral up to 100
Identifying any given numeral up to 100
Skip count by 2's to 30
Skip count by 5's beyond 100
Skip count by 10's beyond 100
Sorting objects in various ways (color, size)
Makes and extends patterns
Uses and identifies shapes
Identifies penny, nickel, dime, and quarter
Knows value of penny, nickel, and dime
Participates in and understands basic meanings of addition and subtraction number stories
Using standard units of measurement (ruler, pan balance)
Using nonstandard units of measurement (hand, feet)
Use a calculator to count
Performs simple data collection and graphing
Knows meaning of estimation
Tells time to the hour and half hour
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