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 These are some examples of proper Bibliography format. 



  • Any entry that extends onto a second line is indented with a tab
  • Lines are double-spaced
  • Entries are listed in alphabetical order based on first word of entry (often author's last name)
  • Must say Works Cited at the top of the page, centered

A Book by a Single Author:

Author's Last Name, First Name.  Title of Book.  Place Published: Publishing Company, Copyright Date.


Rawls, Wilson.  Where the Red Fern Grows.  New York: Bantam Books, 1965.

An Article from an Encyclopedia:

"Title of Article."  Name of Encyclopedia.  Number of Edition ed.  Copyright Date.


"Ginsburg, Ruth Bader."  World Book Encyclopedia.  52nd ed.  1998.

A Weekly Magazine Article:

Author's Last Name, First Name.  "Title of Article."  TItle of Magazine Day Month Year: Page Numbers.


Smith, George.  "What Happens Next."  Newsweek 2 October 1999:  50-52.

A Monthly Magazine Article:

Author's Last Name, First Name.  "Title of Article."  TItle of Magazine Month Year: Page Numbers.


Amelar, Sarah.  "Restoration on 42nd Street."  Architecture March 1998: 146-50.

An Article from a Newspaper:

Author's Last Name, First Name.  "Title of Article."  Title of Newspaper Day Month Year, Edition: Section.


Lohr, Steve.  "Toys in Cyberspace."  New York Times 3 April 1998, late Ed.: C1+.


Author's Last Name, First Name.  "Full title of complete work."  Title of newspaper, magazine, etc..  Date (if known). EBSCO MasterFILE Premier.  EBSCO.  Long Valley Middle School Library, Long Valley, NJ.  Date of access.  Full http: address.


Blakeslee, Sandra.  "Restoring an Ecosystem Torn Asunder by a Dam."  New York Times 11 June 2002: F1.  EBSCO MasterFILE Premier.  EBSCO.  Long Valley Middle School Library, Long Valley, NJ. 23 June 2002

Internet/Online Source:

Author's Last Name, First Name.  "Full title of the complete work."  Date (if known).  Date of access.  .


Brown, Joseph P.  "A History of the American Indian."  June 1993.  5 Dec. 2008