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Expressions And Equations 


We will begin with the review of order of operations and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to assist with algebraic reasoning. Students will work with algebraic expressions; adding and subtracting linear expressions; solving equations using addition or subtraction; solving equations using multiplication or division; and solving two-step equations.  We use a variety of materials and manipulatives in class that allow students to gain a better understanding of the concepts presented. With a hands-on approach and relating math concepts to daily life makes for a positive and successful learning experience.  



Learning Targets

  • Simplify algebraic expressions
  • Find sums and differences of linear expressions
  • Apply the distributive property to generate equivalent expressions
  • Factor algebraic expressions
  • Write and solve equations using addition or subtraction 
  • Write and solve equations using multplication or division
  • Write and solve two-step equations




NJ Student Learning Standards: 7.EE.1; 7.EE.2; 7.EE.4a;