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¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español de la Sra. Cecala!


Tarea/homework and reference materials will be posted in Classroom, so check it daily and carefully read all instructions.  I will also list homework assignments in OnCourse.


Please bring the following items to every class:

   1) charged Chromebook

   2) pencil

   3) blue pen (or color other than black)

   4) dry erase marker

   5) a pocket and a section in your binder for Spanish

   6) inexpensive wired headphones (I recommend storing them in your pencil case)


Always keep in mind the two most important class rules: 

   1) be kind/amable and

   2) be respectful/respetuoso(a)


If you are kind and respectful to others and to yourself (includes trying your hardest to be attentive and a good participator in class, studying as instructed for tests and quizzes, carefully preparing assignments, etc.), it will be a productive and memorable year.  Your listening, oral communication, reading/writing skills and understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures will grow "muchísimo"! 


Muchas gracias/merci beaucoup,

Sra. Cecala


Following is my contact information if you or you parents/guardians need to reach me:

Kathi Cecala

(908) 876-3434, Extension 1311
[email protected]