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As we embrace this New Year and all of its prospects and promises, seventh graders were asked to reflect and describe something that each would like to accomplish in 2013.  As their teachers, we are enlightened and humbled by their optimistic and honest world-perspective, and would like to share a few…


v  I wish every boy and girl could be happy; I wish that there was a cure for cancer; I wish people would be nicer…Hannah Stockmal

v  My New Year resolution is to be kind to everyone and help those who need to be picked up when they are sad…Johanna Diehl

v  For my resolution I will do my best to bring up the spirits of all my friends that are upset…Christian Garcia

v  Do nice things for others without being asked…Topher Infinito

v  Think of others, not just yourself…Briana Harmon

v  My New Year’s resolution is to make at least one person feel good each day…Grayson Dolan

v  Eat healthy and when I do eat junk food, only eat a small amount; not fight all the time with my sisters; start to volunteer; find out about people without judging them…Julia Vazquez

v  To take my grandma to visit my grandpa more often…Nick DelRosso

v  My New Year’s resolution is to help the less fortunate more often; exercise everyday; not judge others at first sight…Emma VanKooy

v  For the New Year I am going to help my parents to make their lives easier so they have down time; to accomplish this I will help with laundry, the dishes, and to feed my pet; I will try to get along with my brother and sister; eat healthier…Isabella Gonzalez

v  To make the world a better place in 2013, I will donate clothes and food for homeless people…Chris Colatriano

v  We all can help change the world in 2013 by lifting the spirits of our elderly senior citizens.  I will do things like making cards, crafts, and baking goods, and then donating these things to care homes and other organizations…Sarah Guida

v  I think we can change the world in 2013 by having every person who cares, to donate at least one bag of groceries to their local food pantry at least once a month; this will be helpful to stop hunger…Jake Zisa

v  Cheer someone up by giving them a basket with things that they might like even if they are not expensive or huge, just little things…Jill Fesinstine

v  In 2013, I will be nicer to everyone.  I will make an effort to say “hi” and compliment everyone and at the very least, smile at them.  Maybe this sign of happiness will make them do it too.  Maybe a smile, even if it’s to a stranger, could change their day; maybe even the world…Kayla Demarest

v  To change the world in 2013 I will recycle more.  I will get friends and family to recycle more too. By doing this we will cut down on pollution and reuse everyday objects, changing the world…John Hagler

v  My resolution is to be kind to everyone and respect everyone…Keith Brockunier

v  In 2013 I am going to be kind to others and respect them. That could change the world for other people.  If people are feeling sad, kindness could make them happy.  Then they might want to be kind to one another.  Respecting others could also make them happy…John Hartman

v  To go out of my way to say hi to everyone…Sarah Lombardo

v  In 2013 I will try to start or participate in a food drive.  In order to do this I will print and hand out fliers and then put a box on my front porch for neighbors, friends, and family to drop off food. Once I’ve collected enough, I will go to the food pantry and drop if off so people can enjoy all the food…Sophia Cavallone


  • LVMS Drama Presentation: Hansel and Gretel  January 17th
  • Living Voices Presentation: January 22nd


January brings many exciting learning opportunities for your children.  Language Artscontinues working on persuasive writing in the context of experiencing multiple forms of A Christmas Carol prior to beginning book clubs, vocabulary, and grammar studies. The LLD class has students enjoying reading to Therapy Dogs!  In Math students are concluding the Stretching and Shrinking book on similarity and expanding on that in their new book Comparing and Scaling with Ratio and Proportion.  Resource Math is completing the unit on Integers and the different properties: commutative, associative, and distributive. This will prepare students for the next unit on Algebra. The focus will be on order of operations; analyzing tables and graphs, looking for patterns, and writing, evaluating, and solving equations. In Resource Language Artsour new unit is about Weaving a Story which focuses on elements of a story- plot, conflict, and setting. The writing assignment will be a descriptive essay. Instruction will focus on avoiding sentence fragments and run-on sentences, punctuating possessives, and maintaining pronoun-antecedent agreement. Science students are embarking on a discovery of the importance of genetic variation and its role in natural selection as we investigate how organisms have changed in response to their environment.  In Social Studiesour new unit about American Colonization begins with students studying the history of early English colonization in North America.  There are plays to perform and analyze, maps to examine, mysteries to interpret, and even a trial to help students assess and learn about the “how’s” and “why’s” of the beginning of America.  We are also starting work on independent historical-fiction reading and creating book reviews to share with others. Spanish classes will complete the current unit “family” and will start the new unit related to school schedules and verb conjugation.