page contents



Welcome to trimester 3.

Fiction Reading



   On this page, you will find links to some of

   the sites we use, work we are doing, and

   reference materials.


   There will also a link for Other Games.

   These are for your entertainment and

   education when EVERYTHING else is done. 


   Even though they are all entertaining, each

    game specifically connects to a comprehension

    skill, a writing skill, or to critical thinking.





As before, the district's expectations can be found HERE.


I don't disagree with the requirements but I do have a few additional thoughts that will help us continue to improve.


- Students MUST use their school-assigned Chromebook

   for ANY school-related work.

   This is to help ensure their safety as well as allowing us

      to do the best job possible.

- Students need to pay close attention during instruction. 
- Any work must be turned in on time to Google Classroom.

- Students and parents need to let me know if there is any

    reason that the student can not participate.


Thanks again to our parents for all of your support 


To our amazing students who continue to work hard every day to do their personal best.


Mr. S





















































Full Affix Picture Game Practice




















































































Full Affix Picture Game Practice