August 2024
Dear Fourth Grader,
As the new school year is about to start, I am happy to introduce myself to you. I am Mrs. Hoskins and I will be your math and science teacher! I hope you are enjoying your summer break and are looking forward to a new school year. Fourth grade is such a fun year with so many wonderful learning activities. You are going to be an important part of our classroom community. I look forward to meeting you during our Open House on August 28th at 2:30pm followed by the PTO ice cream social at 3:00pm. If you can't make it, I will see you on August 29th for the first day of school!
Listed below are some supplies that you will need this year.
Classroom Supplies:
* headphones or earbuds
* several pencils and erasers
* colored pencils or crayons
* scissors
* glue sticks
* 2 spiral one-subject notebooks
* 2 dry erase markers
* pens
* 1 homework folder
Language Arts/Social Studies Supplies:
* 2 marble type journals (i.e. Mead composition book)
* 3 folders
* index cards/sticky notes
* 1 highlighter
Enjoy the rest of your summer. Fourth grade is an exciting year that will be filled with new and rewarding challenges. See you soon!
Mrs. Hoskins