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Music Expectations of A Quality Classroom


Be Respectful to yourself, others and all staff members.


 100% Participation ( Do your Best!!)


 Raise your hand

 Positive Attitude

 Stay on Task


 All expectations are posted in the front of the room for all students to refer to when needed.


If a child choose to not follow the music expectations:


1. They will refer to the circle map (Music Expectations) that is posted in the front of the room as a reminder.

2. Verbal warning- they can resume in the music activity

3. 1st Time out sit spot (to think about their choice they made)- they can resume in the music activity after they thought about it.

4. 2nd Time out it spot- loose the opportunity to participate (especially if it is a safe issue, or refusal to follow the teacher's directions.

5. clip down (K-2)/class dojo (3-5) and letter home (K-5)



Enrichment Misson Statement


We, the mighty Bobcats, will be respectful, creative and responsible learners, who will encoruage each other to achieve our enrichment learning goals everyday.