Kinnelon Public Schools Curriculum
Music Theory
Archived Units
01 Pitch and Pitch Class
02 Beat, Meter and Rhythm: Simple Meter
03 Pitch Collection, Scales and Major Keys
04 Minor Keys and Diatonic Modes
05 Beat, Meter, and Rhythm: Compound Meters
06 Pitch Intervals
07 Triads and Seventh Chords
08 Two-Voice Composition (Counterpoint)
09 Melodic and Rhythmic Embellishments in Two-Voice Composition
10 Notation and Scoring
11 Voicing Chords in Multiple Parts
12 The Basic Phrase Model: Tonic and Dominant Voice-Leading
13 Embellishing Tones
14 Chorale Harmonization and Figured Bass
15 Leading Tone, Predominant and 6/4 Chords
16 Further Expansion of the Basic Phrase
17 Interaction of Melody and Harmony: Cadence, Phrase, and Melody
18 Review and Cumulative Composition Project
Z_Accommodations & Modifications