Belleville Public Schools Curriculum
1. Unit 1- The Nature of Life (Life Science, Engineering Design)
2. Unit 2- Ecology: Matter and Energy Transformations and Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems (Life Science)
3. Unit 3- Ecology: Human Activity, Climate, and Biodiversity (Life, Earth and Space Science, Engineering Design)
4. Unit 4- Cells: Structure and Function, Specialization and Homeostasis, Matter and Energy Transformation (Life Science)
5. Unit 5- Genetics: DNA, Inheritance, and Variation of Traits (Life Science)
6. Unit 6- Evolution and Natural Selection (Life Science)
7. Unit Pacing Guide: Biology Academic
Appendix of Accommodations and Modifications-Special Education/504, ELLs, G&T, and At Risk Students
Appendix of Technology Standards and Infusion Exemplars Grades 9-12
MultiTiered System of Supports - Belleville 2019-2020.pdf