page contents

Day 1 and Day 2-March 17 and 18 SWBAT use play to identify clues, infer, compare/contrast, identify text structure, and explain plot.

1. read play "The Dead Rising" from Scope magazine pp. 11-17.

2. take quiz on play "The Dead Rising"

3. anticipation guide for play "The Dead Rising"

4. close reading questions #1-4 for play "The Dead Rising"

5. critical think questions #1-8 for play "the Dead Rising"

6. all work for day 1 and day 2 is due by 3:00 on day 2

7. use my email address to send me completed work.

 Day 1 and 2.pdf 

 The Dead Rising Quiz.pdf 


Day 3 and Day 4- March 19 and 20 SWBAT find text evidence, interpret text, identify text structure, identify key details, and identify key ideas.

1. read article "The History of Shopping in America"

2. take quiz on article

3. finding text evidence on article

4.critical thinking questions #1-4  on article

5. close reading questions #1-3 and#1-2

6. vocabulary- #1-10

7. compare/ contrast both sides

8. all work is due by 3:00 on day 4

9. use my email address to send me completed work

 Day 3 and 4.pdf 

 Day 3 and 4 Excercises.pdf 


Day 5 and Day 6- March 23 and 24 SWBAT define vocabulary words in text, identify characters, give clues and list character traits, and predict next scene of story.

1. read article " Climbing Skull Mountain"

2. vocabulary page-#1-10

3. character deveopment page -fill out chart and answer short answer

4. use my email address to send me completed work by 3:00 on day 6

 Day 5 and 6 Article.pdf 

 Day 5 and 6 Excercises.pdf 


Day 7 and Day 8-March 25 and 26 SWBAT  explain why topic still captivates people today, define vocabulary words, and write an argumentative essay.


1. read article "Would You Visit the Titanic?"

2. take quiz on article

3. fill out pre writing sheet for argumentaive essay

4. use  pre writing sheet to write an argumentitive essay 5 paragraphs in length

5. vocabualry for article #1-9

6. use my email address to send me completed work by 3:00 on day 8

 Day 7 and 8 Article.pdf 

 Day 7 and 8 Excercises Review Packet.pdf 


Day 9 and Day 10- March 27 and 30 SWBAT analyze the structure of the poem and complete a writing prompt,

1. read poem" Fire-Flowers"

2. complete structure and making connections pages #1-15

3. complete writing prompt page #1-2

4. complete response page by using guides A,B,and C on left side of page.

5. use my email address to send me completed work by 3:00 on day 10

 Day 9 and 10 Poem and Excercises.pdf 


Day 11 and Day 12- March 31 and April 1st SWBAT give examples of that might hurt someone with a mental health issue, define vocabulary, and explain the role schools and students can play in raising mental health awareness.

1. read article "Fighting for Mental Health Awareness"

2. close reading questions #1-3

3. critical thinking questions #1-3

4. take quiz on article

5. read artcile" Become a Mental Health Ally"

6. discussion questions #1-4

7. vocabulary #1-2

8. close reading questions #1-2

9. critical thinking questions #1-2

10. use my email address to send me completed work by 3:00 on day 12

 Day 11 and 12 Article.pdf 

 Day 11 and 12 Excercises.pdf 

 Day 11 and 12 Excercises Fighting Mental Health.pdf 


Day 13 and Day 14- April 2 and 3 SWBAT define vocabulary words, give examples of real life drama, create a healthy conflict resolution, and list key components of an apology.

1. read article " Am I the Jerk?"

2. complete the quiz

3. complete real life drama page

4. complete can we talk page

5. vocabulary #1-4

6. close reading questions #1-3

7. critical thinking questions #1-3

8. use my email address to send me completed work by 3;00 on day 14

 Day 13 and 14 Article.pdf 

 Day 13 and 14 Excercises.pdf 


Day 15 and Day 16- April 14 and 15 SWBAT analyze pros and cons of schols taking meat off their menu.

1. read article " Should Schools Take Meat Off Their Menu?"

2. complete vocabulary #1-6

3. complete critical thinking questions #1-3

4. complete quiz #1-7

5. complete veggie treatment steps 1,2, and 3

6. use my email address to send me completed work by 3:00 on day 16

 Day 15 and 16 Article.pdf 

 Day 15 and 16 Excercises.pdf 


Day 17 and Day 18- April 16 and 17 SWBAT identify find false info on Internet, define vocabulary, and give axamples of false information online.

1. read article " How to Fact-Check the Internet"

2. take quiz #1-7

3. critical thinking questions #1-3

4. online fakery steps 1-4

5. vocabulary #1-4

6. use my email address to send me completed work by 3:00 on day 18

 Day 17 and 18 Article.pdf 

 Day 17 and 18 Excercise.pdf 


Days 19, 20, 21, and 22-April 20,21,22, and 23.- SWBAT give an opinion, support their opinion and acknowledge the other side, identify problems with the Internet, and select the best reasons from each side of the debate about Instagram

1. read article " Are Likes Ruining Instagram?"

2. complete yes/no section on p. 31 of the article

3. fill out pre-writing packet for the argument essay using article

4. write a 5 paragrpah essay using your pre-writing packet

5. complete write an argument paragraph page

6. put sentences together from paragraph page to form one paragraph that is 5 sentences in length

7. take quiz "Are Likes Ruining Intsagram?"

 Are Likes Ruining Instagram(2).pdf 


Days 23,24,25, and 26-April 24, 27, 28, and 29- SWBAT identify various text features, define vocabulary in article, synthsize info from various articles, and describe "summit fever" and explain why it can be deadly

1. read article " Mountain of Doom"

2. complete text features page #1 and #2

3. complete vocab page #1-10

4. complete put it together page #1-5

5. take quiz on article #1-8

 Mountain of Doom.pdf 


Days 27, 28, 29, and 30 -April 30-May 5th-SWBAT identify text features, define vocabulary, compare/contrast articles, describe signs of addiction for people who play video games

1. read article" The Fight Over Fortnite"

2. complete #1 and 2 on text features page

3. complete vocabulary page #1-10

4. complete entire(all 20 boxes) chart on compare/contrast page 

5. complete quiz on article #1-8

 The Fight over Fortnite.pdf 


Days31, 32, 33, and 34-May 6, 7, 8, 11 - SWBAT give an opinion, support opinion and acknowledge the other side, explain how phys ed classes can be stressful for certain students.

1. read article " Should Your School Get Rid of Phys Ed?"

2. fill out yes/no both sides on p. 31

3. complete pre-writing"Write an Argument Essay" both sides using article

4. write a 5 paragraph essay using your pre-writing packet

5. complete write an argument paragraph page

6. put sentences together from paragraph page to form one paragrph that is 5 sentences in length

7. take quiz #1-8 on article

 Should your School get rid of Phys Ed.pdf 


Day 35, 36, 37, 38-May 12-15-SWBAT write the perfect paragraph, use details from story to complete writing topic, and explain how fame might be harmful to the quokkas

1. read article " Saved by Selfies"

2. complete p. 19-topic sentence, 3 details, and a conclusion

3. use p. 19 to complete "Write the Pefect Paragarph"

4. use what you wrote on "Write the Perfect Paragarph" page to write a paragraph that is 5 sentences in length

5. take quiz #1-8 on article

 Saved by Selfies.pdf 



-May 18-21st- SWBAT identify text features, define vocabulary, put events in sequence order, write a summary of the story, and describe details in the story that Josh went blind "bravely".

1. read article" Bravely Going Blind"

2. complete #1-2 on text features page

3. complete the vocabulary page #1-10

4. complete sequence/summary page

5. take quiz on article #1-8

 Bravely Going Blind.pdf 


May 22-27- SWBAT agree/disagree with ideas discussed in article, identify text features, explain plot structure, define vocabulary, list details to support central idea, use infrence skills, explain positive outcome of the fire.

1. read article "Out of the Flames"

2. complete anticipation guide

3. complete text features page #1-2

4. complete pause/think page #1-6

5. complete vocabulary page #1-10

6. complete central idea and details page-fill in details 2,3, and 4 using hints given in each box

7. complete read between the lines #1-4

8. complete quiz #1-8

 Out of the Flame.pdf 


May 28-June 1st- SWBAT make inferences about the play, identify text features, define vocabulary words, and identify/explain elements of fiction

1. read play "The Most Dangerous Game"

2. complete p. 25 #1-4

3. complete text features #1-3

4. complete vocabulary #1-10

5. complete all about "The Most Dangerous Game" #1-6

6. complete quiz #1-8

 The most Dangerous Game.pdf 



May 28-June 1st- SWBAT use text features in article, describe characters, explain how life was difficult for the charcters, define vocabulary, support the central idea, use inferences, and give reasons Native Americans were unhappy with boardng schools in America.

1. read article " Would We be Killed?'

2. complete text features page #1-3

3. complete pause/think #1-6

4. complete vocabulary page #1-10

5. complete central idea and details page-fill in details 2,3,and 4 using hints given in each box

6. complete read between the lines #1-4

7. complete quiz #1-8

 Would we be Killed.pdf 


May 28th-June 1st-SWBAT use text features, define vocabulary words, identify elements of a myth, and describe the charcater Perseus, 

1. read play" The Snake-Haired Monster"

2. complete p. 25 #1-5

3. complete text features #1-2

4. complete vocabulary page #1-10

5. complete understanding myths #1-4

6. take quiz on play #1-8

 The snake haired Monster.pdf 


May 28-June1st-SWBAT use text features, define vocabulary words, describe the charcter, and place events in story in sequential order.

1. read article"You Are Not Alone"

2. complete the anticipation guide

3. complete text features

4. complete vocabulary review

5. complete the sequence of events

6. take the quiz

 Are you not alone?.pdf 


May 28th-June 1st-SWBAT identify granmmatical errors in article

1. read the article His job: to Make You Hungry

2. complete p. 3-mini skills workout

3. complete apostrophe oops!

 His Job to make you hungry.pdf