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There are so many sites out there on the web today, it is hard to find good sites that are safe and informative.  I have included a couple of my favorite sites here.  I hope you will go visit these sites as they can be helpful in many situations!



MCS Website Logo


Of course, I have to include the Monroe City School System website!  The site contains all the information about Monroe City Schools that you might need to know. 






This is a great, user-friendly site to use with your students at the evaluating level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.  It can be used in many activities such as defending, justifying, etc.

This is a great site for allowing students to operate at the "Creating" level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.  This is the level we want our students to operate on, because if they can create new products, they know the information and are capable of using it in higher-order thinking.

It's more than a cool way to locate things!  Google Earth can be used to teach math, language arts, and other subjects besides social studies!

VisuWords is a wonderful, online graphical dictionary.  It allows students to see the connections between a word and its many uses and parts.

This is also a great tool for allowing to students to deomnstrate their mastery of content material.  It also gives voice to the students who may not like to speak in front of the class, but are knowledgeable.

Wordle can be used with students at all levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, from remembering to creating.





Worldbook Online is more than just articles.  It contains audio, video, and authentic primary resources that can help anyone get the information they need to complete a report, an assignment, or just learn a little bit more.


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Animoto is a great site for creating short videos.  A video is a great alternative assessment method that allows for both creativity and demonstration of content knowledge.  There is a paid version, but the free site will still allow you to create short videos.


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Want to create an original story and illustrate it with your own pictures?  StoryJumper is the site for you!  It allows anyone to create a book using original photos, scanned drawings, or StoryJumper's artwork.  The books can be professionally bound and ordered, but the site allows you to print a paper copy immediately.  You do have to create an account, but it is FREE!