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Family Fitness Suggestions:


To help encourage your child to be active:


*Exercise as a family. Find activities that get your child moving and are also fun, such as dancing, biking, playing tag or walking the dog


*Make physical activity a daily part of your child's life. Instead of driving to the library, walk or bike there. After dinner, take walks instead of watching TV. Get your child involved in sports.


*Make it easy to exercise. Have balls and bikes at your house, or take your child to the playground.


*Choose activities that are right for your child's age. This he/she won't get bored or frustrated.


*Make exercise enjoyable. Let your child do something he/she likes to do.


Also, limit the amount of time your child spends watching TV or playing video games. Never use exercise as a way to punish your child, and don't force him/her to participate in activities he/she doesn't like.