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Respect Yourself. Respect Others. Respect the Environment.



   In our classroom, we place a lot of emphasis on the students taking ownership of their learning and the environment that is created within the classroom. At the beginning of the school year, we sat down as a classroom community and created a set of classroom expectations, called our "classroom constitution", that is filled with things that we believe to be vital in ensuring that our classroom runs smoothly, others feel accepted and respected, and allow us to perform our duties to the best of our ability. All of these expectations will be built upon three essential ideas: respect yourself, respect others, and respect the environment. Our class constitution is posted below!


 Our Class Constitution


We promise to…


Respect Ourselves


#1 Be prepared by having all materials.

#2 Follow directions.

#3. Use time wisely.


Respect Others


#4 Use kind words and body language.

#5 Keep hands, feet, and objects to  yourself.

#6 Be a good listener.


Respect the Environment


#7 Take care of and use all materials correctly.

#8 Treat other people’s materials and belongings with respect.