page contents


Read Alouds:

Charlie and his Tu Tu Ru Band

 Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

 Chika Chika Boom Boom

 The Very Hungry Caterpillar

 The Feelings Book


 There Was An Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly



Choice Board Activities for the Week:

 PK Choice Board3.pptx 


Journal Entries:

 1. Try practicing letters in your alphabet journal. 

2. Trace the letters and make them using rainbow colors. 

3. Try drawing a picture of something that starts with each letter- For example: A -Apple, B- Bear, C-Cat





Hands on Learning Activities:

1. Dramatic Play- Make puppets using household items and host a puppet show.


2. Music- Make music using instruments and household items- have a marching band around the house.


3. Language and Physical Movement- Practice following directions...Play Simon says, red light/green light, or copy cat to have your child practice following directions and using his/her body.


4. Cooking- Choose a recipe to make with you child. Have them assist with gathering ingredients, cooking materials, and using his/her hands to follow the recipe. 


5. Art/Sensory- Paint using water color paints, finger paints, pudding, scented lotion, shaving cream, corn syrup and food coloring. Allow your child to get messy and engage in a fun sensory activity. 


6. Literacy-Try making letters of the alphabet or in your child's name. Make letters using playdough, sticks, straws, string, legos, buttons, etc. 


7. Math- Go on a Counting Scavenger Hunt- Ask your child to find 1 teddy bear, 2 cars, 3 dolls, 4 blocks, 5 crayons, 6 shoes, 7 spoons, etc. 


Movement Activities


Koo Koo Kangaroo Double Scoop

Count with Me 1-20

 Let's be Super Heroes

 Boom Chicka Boom

Jack Hartman Alphabet Song