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Perform Care


If you go that route, ask for a ‘needs assessment’-- they will come out to your residence.



Psychology Today

You can search by specialty, insurance, etc.



Life Counseling


This is a local agency with multiple offices.  You call, explain your need, and they will try to pair you with a therapist.



Sara Collingsgru, LCSW, RYT-200


Sarah worked as a social worker in a school and is a therapist. She accepts youth clients; however, she does not take insurance (you would need to pay out of pocket per session).



Kristen Rosario, MSW, LSW

Services Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV)

Center for Family Services

Toll Free: 1-866-295-SERV (7378)

Mobile & Text: (609) 206-9533

[email protected]

Kristen is able to come to the school to provide counseling services (non-school based counseling).



You could alternately just go through your insurance to see who is in network and what type and number of sessions your child would be eligible for.