page contents

Below is the syllabus for this course. Please get help as soon as you find you may need it.


 chem 2 syllabus.pdf 


Due to the circumstances we find ourselves in, I want to first tell you all how much I miss seeing you in class and hope you're doing well.


When we left off, we were about to be starting on labs. I'm so sorry we didn't get to them but rest assured we will upon return.


After, we were going to be starting on entropy, enthalpy, and gibbs free energy.


Monday, March 16


Below are 2 worksheets that are pretty easy to start you on the road to what we were doing. Along with those, I have linked the videos below to help you with the material.


entropy and free energy.pdf 


spontaneity and gibbs free energy.pdf


Tuesday, March 24


Hey guys - time to have a bit of fun and explore. Attached you will find a set of virtual field trips. Check them out. The second page is just a few questions of what you found. Remember, nothing is counting as a grade. Just a neat learning opportunity for you. 


Virtual Field Trips Choice Board