page contents


Welcome to Ms. Wulk's website. This site will be used to provide instruction and resources for online learning.  



All assignments are available on-line and in print.  Click on the class tab on the right hand side of the screen to access them.



All lessons for the week should be emailed by 3pm on Friday. If you don't have internet access all assignments should be handed into the school by 10am Friday. 



If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, please make arrangements to pick up your work packet.






Third marking period will end on the last day of in-person schooling – March 16, 2020.  


Grades will be based on the work submitted up until and including March 16, 2020.


        Report cards for third marking period will be issued on April 30, 2020.


        The fourth marking period will begin on March 17, 2020 and continue until the end of the school year.

