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Classroom Rules and Expectations



Classroom rules are established to ensure the safety of everyone in our classroom and school.  The rules will be discussed on the first day of school.  I believe that students need to do two things, 1. WORK HARD and 2. BE NICE.   If these two rules are followed, there shouldn't be any issues.  Depending upon the severity of an incident, phone calls to parents may be made or the issue will be sent to Mrs. Trainor or Ms. Williams to handle.  You can always refer to the student agenda for further information regarding school rules and consequences.  Parents should be assured that they will be notified when the teacher feels it is necessary.

My goal is to foster the students' sense of self-esteem and value while helping them to become respectful, responsible, and mature people who make a positive contribution to any group they are a part of.

Bullying will NOT be tolerated!