page contents


Grading Policy 

 Tests: 50%

 Homework: 15%

Classwork/Class Participation: 35% 


 Homework Policy

- Homework that is turned in completed and on time will receive 10 points

- Homework will be accepted the next day for half credit. 


 Test Policy

- Students may get their tests signed the day after they are returned for an extra point on their test grade.


-Lowest test grade will be dropped at the end of the marking period


* If a student is absent, they are responsible for coming to me for any work he/she has missed.  





Forget your math homework? Click on the link, and it will take you directly to the table of contents for the student workbook. Search for the homework page, and print it out.



Students have a username and password to access this site.

USERNAME: first name last name 301 
PASSWORD: (same as last year)