Welcome to MHS Science!
Hello! I'm Shawn Hirt and I teach science here at Midway. I love teaching science and doing fun things! I like to see my job as a "Coordinator of Scientific Learning Opportunities" because of how our classes operate and what is expected of students. Usually upon entering our room you will see us actively engaged in hands-on activities and labs! I hope students learn science while they are in my room, but my three primary goals for students are that they: 1) Develop good Communication skills...written and oral, 2) Learn to Cooperate in groups, and 3) Learn to Think Critically. These three skills will prepare students for the working world, where, regardless of whatever job they have, they will need to communicate with co-workers and customers, cooperate in groups to complete jobs and assignments successfully, and have to think critically as our world and jobs constantly change. So, I hope your student learns about cells, genetics, plants, animals and the human body, but while doing so, I hope they develop habits and skills that will help them in whatever future career they choose.
Click on "Class Calandars and Schedules" on the right under "Main Menu" to see what we have done every day and when it will be due!!!
PARENTS!!! You have access to you student's grades 24-7 via JupiterGrades.com! Go online and check their progress and see what their current grade is. Grades are updated quickly (usually daily) and are a great way to see what a student has missed and what they need to work on.
Grades can be viewed by clicking on the link above on the right, or at https://login.jupitered.com/login/
For optimum communication from me, please include an email address and phone # when you login to Jupitergrades. This makes it really easy for me to immediately contact you with grades, test notices, etc.
I keep the "Class Calander and Schedule" link up to date every day with information about what we did that day in class, what will be due in the next few days, and when tests and quizzes will be. So click on this link on the left and click on the class for that day and see what we have done. This is also a great tool to use if you or your student was absent and wondering what we did and what is due. So check it out...
For Classroom Rules and Procedures, click on link below:
Mr. Hirt's Classroom Rules and Procedures
For Class Syllabi, click on links below:
Chemistry Information Note for Parents
(Use to calculate what you need on a final exam when you know both semesters)
Any student who needs help with any classes please contact me ASAP and schedule a time to meet!
I can be available before school, after school and during lunch.
Exam Policy...
It's my usual policy to allow students who are exempt from an exam to take the exam and see if it helps their grade. If it does, great! If the score hurts their grade, we won't count it. This is a good way for students to get some extra credit and possibly raise their grade.
Info Links for Parents and Students
(Just a collection of interesting, parenting advice I have found helpful. You might too!)
How to Succeed in a College Science Class...
...just a good article about what students need to be prepared for after high school, and what we are working toward.
and Another One from Penn State.
Two Simple Things Good Parents Do
Great Video about the Changing Nature of our World and It's Impact on Education..."Did You Know 3.0"
Do More Expensive Colleges pay off for students? See HERE.
How to Teach Children that Success Comes from Failure Article
How cell phones are changing us socially and individually.
Increasing Academic Rigor in Schools by developing student ownership and responsibility.
How to Listen to Music while you Work...
Put Down the Phone...and help your Kids!
How to Turn Down the Heat on Fiery Arguments
How Parents Can Learn to Tame a Testy Teenager
Teenagers and Sleep (article with 4 min audio from NPR)
"College Advice From a High School Counselor"
Congratulations to Destiny Squire, winner of the MHS Senior Science Award for 2024!!!.
Guideline for the Senior Science Award
The senior science award is given each year during senior awards day in the spring to the best science student in our senior class. Requirements for the award are similar to calculating GPA, except this is a students' science GPA. (4pts given for each A, 3 pts for each B, etc.) Ties would be broken by a students' best science score on any ACT taken.
Credit Recovery Info...
Watch this video to learn how to do Credit Recovery and use Edmentum/PLATO... Link to Credit Recovery Info Video
Link to Credit Recovery Info Handout for Students and Parents
For those of you who knew my pet Ball Python, "Killer", I have some sad news...he died in Spring of 2013. He donated his body to science, as our Biology II class was just learning about Reptiles, we dissected him. It appears something impacted his intestines and led to his death. See the video..."Killer" Dissection
Check below for powerpoints and videos seen and discussed in class!
Project-Based Learning
Major Clarity Career Site (class login info: roane-0050-hirt)
Wind Energy Presentation/Windmill Instructions
Making a Rubber Band Powered Paper Airplane out of Paper
NEW!!!- Good Jobs without College?
Managing Income and Expenses Computer Term Quizlet
Identitytheft.gov (Report identity theft and get a recovery plan)
Study Guide from Board (11/6/17)
NUMBEO Cost of Living Calculator
Types of Savings Accounts Info
"How to Access Your $ on the Road"
How to Read Policy Declaration Page
Typical Components of an Auto Insurance Policy
(It's a good idea for every 18yr old to have these signed...see Forbes article.)
"Foundations in Personal Finance" - Dave Ramsey Curriculum
Chapter 1 - Intro to Personal Finance Quizlet
Financial Personality Quiz - 7 Types
Ch 2 - Saving
Great Description of Simple and Compound Interest
Ch 3 Budgeting
How to Fill Out a Deposit Slip
Ch 4 Debt
Hidden Costs of Credit Activity Site
Managing Credit Online Activity
How Car Dealerships Rip You Off
Car Dealership Rip Offs You Should Never Pay For
Check Into Cash Cash Advance/Title Pawn Website
Ch 5 Life After High School
Financial Aid Videos...all are short...check them out....
After the FAFSA: What Happens Next
Ch 6 Consumer Awareness
Investment Calculator (Use with "Impact of Daily Decisions" Activity)
Ch 7 Bargain Shopping
Ch 8 Investing and Retirement
Ch 9 Insurance
Ch 10 Money and Relationships
Ch 11 Career and Taxes
Ch 12 Giving
Biology II
Link to TN Biology II Standards
Textbook Chapters and Sections have correlated TN Standards listed throughout. Check the text for specific standards.
Ch 19 "Bacteria and Viruses"
"The Old and Odd: Archaea, Bacteria and Protists" CC Video (12:16)
"Archaea" Bozeman Video (7:15)
"Bacteria" Bozeman Video (11:03)
"Viruses" Bozeman Video (8:05)
19.3 Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses PPT
"Eukarya" Bozeman Video (7:13)
Ch 20 Protists
"Protists" Bozeman Video (5:06)
20.2 Animal-like Protists: Protozoans PPT
20.3 Plant-like Protists: Unicellular Algae PPT
20.4 Plant-like Protists: Red, Brown, and Green Algae PPT
Ch 21 Fungi
21.2 Classificatin of Fungi PPT
Ch 22 Plant Diversity
22.1 Introduction to Plants PPT
"Plant Cells" CC Video (10:27)
"The Sex Lives of NonVascular Plants" CC Video (9:41)
22.3 Seedless Vascular Plants PPT
"Vascular Plants" CC Video (11:53)
22.5 Angiosperms - Flowering Plants PPT
"Plant Reproduction" CC Video (10:23)
Ch 23 Roots, Stems, and Leaves
23.1 Specialized Tissues in Plants PPT
"Plant Structure" Bozeman Video (13:36)
"Plant Nutrition and Transport" Bozeman Video (14:06)
Ch 24 Reproduction of Seed Plants
24.1 Reproduction with Cones and Flowers PPT
24.2 Seed Development and Germination PPT
24.3 Plant Propogation and Agriculture PPT
Ch 25 Plant Responses and Adaptations
25.1 Hormones and Plant Growth PPT
"Plant Control" Bozeman Video (7:53)
Ch 26 Sponges and Cnidarians
26.1 Introduction to the Animal Kingdom PPT
"What Makes Us Animals" Crash Course Video (8:50)
"Animals" Bozeman Video (8:07)
"Simple Animals: Sponges, Jellies..." Crash Course Video (11:30)
Ch 27 Worms and Mollusks
"Complex Animals: Annelids and Arthropods" Crash Course Video (13:14)
Ch 28 Arthropods and Echinoderms
28.1 Introduction to the Arthropods PPT
Ch 29 Comparing Invertebrates
29.1 Invertebrate Evolution PPT
29.2 Form and Function in Invertebrates PPT
Ch 30 Nonvertebrate Chordates, Fishes, and Amphibians
Ch 31 Reptiles and Birds
Ch 32 Mammals
32.1 Introduction to the Mammals PPT
32.3 Primates and Human Origins PPT
Ch 33 Comparing Chordates
33.2 Conrolling Body Temperature PPT
33.3 Form and Function in Chordates PPT
Ch 34 Animal Behavior
"Animal Behavior" CC Video (10:53)
Ch 35 Nervous System
"The Nervous System" CC Video (12:03)
"The Nervous System" Bozeman Video (17:38)
35.3 Divisions of the Nervous System PPT
"The Sensory System" Bozeman Video (10:31)
35.5 Drugs and the Nervous System PPT
Ch 36 Skeletal, Muscular, and Integumentary Systems
"The Skeletal System" CC Video (13:10)
"The Muscular System" CC Video (12:51)
"The Muscular System" Bozeman Video (5:58)
VERSAL Frog Muscle Stimulation Computer Lab
36.3 The Integumentary System PPT
Ch 37 Circulatory and Respiratory System
37.1 The Circulatory System PPT
"Circulatory and Respiratory Systems" CC Video (11:39)
"The Circulatory System" Bozeman Video (11:34)
37.2 Blood and the Lymphatic System PPT
37.3 The Respiratory System PPT
"The Respiratory System" Bozeman Video (8:45)
Ch 38 Digestive and Excretory System
38.2 The Process of Digestion PPT
"The Digestive System" CC Video (11:52)
"The Digestive System" Bozeman Video (9:37)
"The Excretory System" CC Video (12:20)
Ch 39 Endocrine and Reproductive System
39.2 Human Endocrine Glands PPT
"Great Glands: Your Endocrine System" (11:20)
"The Endocrine System" Bozeman Video (13:47)
39.3 The Reproductive System PPT
"The Reproductive System" CC Video (12:02)
"The Reproductive System" Bozeman Video (8:59)
39.4 Fertilization and Development PPT
Ch 40 The Immune System and Disease
"Your Immune System" CC Video (15:01)
"Your Immune System" Bozeman Video (13:46)
40.3 Immune System Disorders PPT
40.4 The Environment and Your Health PPT
(the following is from the OLD Book and PPTs)
Ch 21 "Viruses and Bacteria"
Viruses Notes Virus Notes.jpg
Bacteria Notes Bacteria Notes.jpg
Ch 22 "Protists"
Protist Powerpoint Protist_Fungi (Start with This one).ppt
Ch 23 "Fungi"
Fungi Powerpoint fungi type- USE THIS ONE!.ppt
Ch 24 "Introduction to Plants"
Kinds of Plants Notes Kinds of Plants.jpg
Adaptation of Plants Notes Adaptations of Plants.jpg
Ch 25 Plant Reproduction
25.1 "Sexual Reproduction in Plants"
Sexual Reproduction in Plants 25.1.jpg
25.2 "Sexual Reproduction in Plants"
pg. 1 Sexual Repro in Plants 25.2.jpg
pg. 2 Sexual Repro in Plants 25.2 pg2.jpg
Ch 26 Plant Structure and Function
26.1 Vascular Plant Body
Notes pg 1 26.1 Notes- Vascular Plant Body.jpg
pg 2 The Vascular plant body 26.1 pg 2.jpg
26.2 Transport in Plants
Notes Transport in plants 26.2.jpg
Ch 27 Plant Growth and Development
27.1 How Plants Grow and Develop
Notes How plants grow and develop 27.1.jpg
27.2 Regulating Plant Growth
Notes Regulating plant Growth and Development 27.2.jpg
Ch 28 "Introduction to Animals"
Intro to Animals Note site (click to go to site)
Ch 29 "Simple Invertebrates"
Sponge and Cnidarian Note Site
Ch 30 "Mollusks"
Ch 31 "Arthropods"
Ch 32 Echinoderms
Ch 34 Fishes and Amphibians
Fish Powerpoint...Chordates and Fishes.htm.ppt
Amphibian Powerpoint...Amphibians.ppt
Ch 35 Reptiles and Birds
Reptile Powerpoint... Reptiles ppt.ppt
Bird Powerpoint... Birds1.ppt
Ch 36 Mammals
Mammal Powerpoint... mammals1.ppt
Ch 38 Introduction to Body Structure
Skin Notes... Skin.jpg
Bozeman Science: "Integementary System" video
Bone Notes
(pg. 1)... Bone Structure.jpg
(pg. 2) ... Bone Structure pg 2.jpg
Muscles Structure and Contraction Notes... Muscles and Contraction.jpg
Muscle Energy Notes (pgs. 1-5)...
Muscle Energy 2 (oxygen debt).jpg
Muscle Energy 4 (muscle type).jpg
Muscle Energy 4 (threshold stimulus and contractions).jpg
Ch 39 Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
(Blood/Heart structure and function in book)
Blood Typing Powerpoint...
Bozeman Blood Type Video (11 min)
Bozeman Circulatory Sys (12 min)
Crash Course Respiration and Circulation System (12 min)
Respiration Powerpoint...
Ch 40 Digestive and Excretory Systems
Digestion Notes (pgs. 1-5)
Crash Course Biology: The Digestive System (12 min)
Ch 42 Nervous System
Ch 44 Reproductive System
Chapter 2 "Properties of Matter"
2.1 Classifying Matter describing matter.ppt
2.2 Physical Properties
2.3 Chemical Properties
Chapter 3 "States of Matter"
3.1 Solids, Liquids and Gases states_pres.ppt
3.2 The Gas Laws gases_pres.ppt
3.3 State Changes statechanges_pres.ppt
Chapter 4 "Atomic Structure"
4.1 Studying Atoms atom timeline.ppt atomic structure.ppt
4.2 The Structure of an Atom
4.3 Modern Atomic Theory
Chapter 5 "The Periodic Table"
5.1 Organizing the Elements
5.2 Modern Periodic Table periodic table.ppt
5.3 Representative Groups
Chapter 6 "Chemical Bonds"
6.1 Ionic Bonding bonding intro.ppt naming ionic compounds.ppt types of bonds.ppt
6.2 Covalent Bonding
6.3 Naming Compounds and Writing Formulas naming molecular formulas.ppt
6.4 The structure of Metals
Chapter 7 "Chemical Reactions"
7.1 Describing Reactions chemchanges_pres.ppt
7.2 Types of Reactions rxntypes_pres.ppt
7.3 Energy Changes in Reactions rxnenergy_pres.ppt
7.4 Reaction Rates rxnenergy_pres.ppt
Chapter 8 "Solutions and Acids and Bases"
8.1 Formation of Solutions solnform_pres.ppt PPT Video
8.2 Solubility and Concentration solubility_pres.ppt
8.3 Properties of Acids and Bases acidsintro_pres.ppt neutralization_pres.ppt
8.4 Strength of Acids and Bases acidstrength_pres.ppt
Ch 15 "Energy"
8.1 Energy and Its Forms energywork_pres.ppt
8.2 Energy Conversion potential-and-kinetic-energy.ppt
Ch 16 "Thermal Energy and Heat"
16.1 and 2 Thermal Energy and Heat energytherm_pres.ppt
Ch 11 "Motion"
11.1-11.3 Motion, Speed and Acceleration Motion and Forces.ppt
Ch 12 "Forces and Motion"
12.1 Forces Bal and UnBal Forces, Friction.ppt Projectile and Circular Motion.ppt
12.2 Newton's First and Second Law F=ma, 2nd Law, Gravity.ppt Newton's Laws...Short.ppt
12.3 Newton's Third Law and Momentum Third Law.ppt momentum_pres.ppt
Ch 17 "Waves and Sound"
Chemistry Powerpoints and Videos
(Especially if you need some review! They are connected to the "Education Portal Chemistry Videos" link on the bottom of "Links" to the right of this page.)
Access Code for our Chemistry textbook website (http://www.glencoe.com/ose/) is: AF183C6468
Ch 3 "Matter"
Ch 5 "Electrons in Atoms"
Electrons in Atoms SmartBoard Lecture
Electrons in Orbitals Video link
Electrons in Orbitals Video #2 link
Ch 4 "The Structure of the Atom"
Crash Course Biology Video: "The Nucleus" (10 min)
Ch 6 "Periodic Table"
Ch 6 PPT
Ch 7 "Ionic Compounds"
Chapter 7 PPT
Ch 8 "Covalent Compounds"
Ch 9 "Chemical Reactions"
Ch 10 "The Mole"
The Mole Video (from Kahn Acad.)-10min
The Mole and Avogado's Number Video
Ch 12 "States of Matter"
Ch 13 "Gases"
Ch 14 "Solutions"
PPT on how to work Solution Concentration Problems
Ch 15 "Energy and Chemical Change"
Ch 15 Book PPT
Ch 18 "Acids and Bases"
Chapter 23 "The Chemistry of Life"
(Google Classroom Join Link: rklrcvz)
"It Pays to Prep" (site for guranteed scholarships in TN)
ACT Holistic Framework Video (4:34)
FREE PRACTICE ACT SITE! (Lots of tests and practice here!)
How to Access the Practice ACT on your Chromebooks...
(LogOut…go to Apps…TestNav…"Choose a Different Customer" (from dropdown menu in upper right) "ACT" (large white icon)…(practice tests)
If you do untimed, you can then use Review to see what you have missed and your score. Timed will countdown and show you how much time you have left.
Remember the "Disable Answer Masking" to hide answer choice on Reading and Sci.
And the "Answer Eliminator" which X's out answer choices…at top of page.
Mind Mapping #2 TED Talk (15 min)
Here’s How Highly Successful People Make Little Choices Different From the Rest of Us Article
#1...Words from the Crucible (32 words)
#5 Random Words (59 words and short definitions)
#6 More Random Words (50 words with short definitions)
Holland Code Test #1 (from ONet)
Photo Career Quiz Based on Holland Codes
Career Explorer Career Test (copy link using "Share" tab, and email me your results)
Work Values Test (100 items...take surevey to get results)
The Myth of "Doing What you Love"
"Choosing a College" WS Quizlet
Contempoary Calculus WS Quizlet
"Finding the Right College" WS Quizlet
"What School is Right for You?" WS Quizlet
DebtSlapped "Planning for Post-Secondary Education" Activity
5 Ways to Build Lasting Self-Esteem
State of TN Info About Taking the ACT and Fee Waviers
Practice ACT Test - with Answer Key
"Time For Payback" College Lifestyle/$ Online Interactive
How to Improve Your Science Score
ACT Test Videos:
10 Strategies for the ACT Test (Review Video - 10 min)
4 ACT Test Hacks Video - 6 min
Science Test:
Skills for Reading Graphs (4 min)
Data Representation Passages (11 min)
Research Summary Passages (6 min)
Identify and Interpret Graph Reading Strategy PDF
Videos for Wed 10/6...
https://youtu.be/a4fBja178TM 3 Ways to Hack the Sci Test
Use your Fingerhttps://youtu.be/nH6XF3jlXJE
3 Best Tips to Boost Your Sci Scorehttps://youtu.be/E5ZuY1yB3XY
Assignment for Fri 10/8...
Watch the following intro videos on Financial Aid, for each, write a short summary of each...(most are really short!)
Best Strategies for Funding College
4 Most Important Considerations in Analyzing College Costs
How to Know if You Qualify for Need-Based Aid
Types of Grants and Scholarships
Benefits and Drawbacks of College Loans
Financial Aid PowerPoint...
Khan Academy College Admissions
- this is a GREAT series of videos and information about why a student should go to college, making high school count, exploring college options, how to apply and pay, then learning about what comes next.
English Test Practice Test (From act.org)
eBooks from ACT.ORG...
"Before, During and After: 3 Stages of Taking a College Enterance Exam"
"5 Questions All Jrs Should Ask"
"6 Ways to Prepare for What's Next"
"Avoiding the Senoir Slide: How to Finish Strong During Your Last Year of High School"
Biology I
(Google Classroom Join Link Spring 24': 2nd Per - ZUSddaf 3rd Per - 6637xrw)
Our Onlne Textbook is accesible through your Google Classroom!
1st Semester Quizlet Vocab Review!!
Link to TN Biology I Standards
Interactive Sites for EOC Review
Textbook Chapters and Sections have correlated TN Standards listed throughout. Check the text for specific standards.
(The Following PPT's have been corrected to correspond to our current textbook sections and info. Section #'s on PPT slides may not reflect the actual chapter, but the old book's section. They were a little better.)
Chapter 1 - The Science of Biology
Sec 1.1 "What is Science?" PPT
Chapter 2 - The Chemistry of Life
Sec 2.1-"The Nature of Matter"
Sec 2.2-"Properties of Water"
Sec 2.3-"Carbon Compounds"
Crash Course Biology: "Biological Molecules"
Bozeman Sci: "Biological Molecules"
Sec 2.4-"Chemical Reactions and Enzymes"
Chapter 3-"The Biosphere"
Sec 3.1 PPT - Introduction to Global Systems
Bozeman Sci: "Biotic and Abiotic Factors"
Heating of Soil and Water Online Lab
Soil and Water Heating Lab #2 (check and see if results are similar)
Crash Course Biology: "Ecology"
Sec 3.2 PPT - Climate, Weather and Life
Sec 3.3 PPT - Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems
Avg Temp and Precipitation for Knoxville, TN
Chapter 4 - "Ecosystems"
Sec 4.1 - Energy, Producers and Consumers
Crash Course Biology: "Ecosystem Ecology"
Sec 4.2 - Energy Flow in Ecosystems
"Food Webs and Energy Pyramids" Am Sis Video
Bozeman Sci: "Energy Flow in Ecosystems"
"Exploring Biomass Pyramids" HHMI Activity
CC "Nitrogen and Phosporus Cycles" (9:22)
CC "Water and Carbon Cycles" (10 min)
Am Sis: "Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles" (8 min)
Bozeman Sci: "Biogeochemical Cycling"
Keystone Species and Trophic Cascades Video (20 min) HHMI
Exploring Trophic Cascades Activity
Chapter 5 - Populations
Sec 5.1 - How Populations Grow
Forest Fire Computer Simulation
Crash Course Biology: Population Ecology
Sec 5.3 - Human Population Growth
Chapter 6 - Communities and Ecosystem Dynamics
Sec 6.1 - Habitats, Niches, and Species Interactions
Bozeman: "Niches" Video (5 Min)
CC:"Community Ecology" (12 min)
Sec 6.2 - Succession
Bozeman" Ecological Succession" (7 min)
Sec 6.3 - Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Resilience
Biodiversity Video: "From Ants to Grizzlies"
Chapter 7 - Humans and Global Change
Sec 7.1 - Ecological Footprints
Sec 7.2 - Causes and Effects of Global Change
Sec 7.3 - Measuring and Responding to Change
Chapter 8 - Cell Structure and Function
Am Sis: "Prokayotic and Eukaryotic Cells"
Sec 8.2 - Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Site with cell parts and functions
Amoeba Sisters: A Tour of the Cell
Bozeman Science: A Tour of the Cell
Amoeba Sisters: Cell Membranes
Onion Epidermis Preparation Video (2min)
Sec 8.4 - The Diversity of Cellular Life
Cell Quiz #1 - Cell Theory, Types of Cells
Cell Quiz #2 - Organelles and Structures
Ch 8 Quizlet Vocabulary Practice
Chapter 9 - Photosynthesis
Sec 9.2 - Photosynthesis: An Overview
Amoeba Sisters: "Photosynthesis"
Bioman Photosynthesis Interactive
Sec 9.3 - The Reactions of Photosynthesis
Crash Course Biology: Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis vs Light Distance Online Activity / Lab WS
Bozeman: "Photosynthesis" (12 min)
Ch 9 Quizlet Vocabulary Review
Chapter 10 - Cellular Respiration
Amoeba Sisters: "Cellular Respiration"
Crash Course Biology: ATP and Respiration
Sec 10.2 - The Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport
Bozeman Science: "Cellular Respiration"
Khan Academy: Intro to Cellular Respiration
Khan Academy: Krebs/Citric Acid Cycle
Sec 10.3 Fermentation
Amoeba Sisters: "Fermentation"
Chapter 11 - Cell Growth and Division
Bozeman Science: "Phases of Mitosis"
Sec 11.3 - Regulating the Cell Cycle
Bozeman: "What is Cancer?" (7 min)
Computer Activity "Cell Cycle and Cancer"
Sec 11.4 Cell Differentiation
Amoeba Sisters "How Cells Become Specialized" (6 min)
Chapter 12- Introduction to Genetics
Sec 12.1 - The Work of Gregor Mendal
"How Pea Plants Help Us Understand Genetics" video (3 min)
CC - Meet Gregor Mendel video (10 min)
"DNA From the Begining" Website...Intro to Gregor Mendal
Sec 12.2 - Probability and Punnett Squares
Bozeman: "Beginners Guide to Punnett Squares" (12 min)
Crash Course Biology: "Heredity"
Ameoba Sisters: "Dihybrid and Two-Trait Crosses"
Sec 12.3 - Exploring Medelian Genetics
Amoeba Sisters: "Incomplete Dominance, etc..."
Bozeman Science: Mendelian Genetics
Sec 12.5 - Linkage and Gene Maps
Ameoba Sisters: "Mega Genetics Review"
Chapter 13- DNA
Sec 13.1 - Identifing the Substance of the Gene
History of the DNA Molecule Video
"What is DNA?" from Stated Clearly
Sec 13.2 - The Structure of DNA
Bozeman Science "What is DNA?"
DNA Origami Activity Instructions
Sec 13.3 - DNA Replication
DNA Replication - Amoeba Sisters
"DNA Structure and Repliaction" from Crash Course
Chapter 14- RNA and Protein Synthesis
Sec 14.1 and 14.2 - RNA and Protein Synthesis
Amoeba Sisters: "Why RNA is Just as Cool as DNA"
Amoeba Sisters: "Protein Synthesis"
Bozeman Science: "Transcription and Translation"
"Transcription and Translation" from Crash Course
Transcription and Translation Interactive
Transcription and Translation Interactive II
"Mutations" from Amoeba Sisters
"Cell Cycle and Cancer" from Amoeba Sisters
Mutation Computer Activity(NEW Sp21...with WS)
Chapter 13 - Genetic Engineering
Sec 13.1 - Changing the Living World
Sec 13.3 - Cell Transformation
Sec 13.4 - Applications of Genetic Engineering
Chapter 15 - The Human Genome
Chromosomes and Karyotypes - Ameoba Sisters Video
Pedigrees Video - Amoeba Sisters
Sec 15.3 - Human Molecular Genetics
Bozeman Video - DNA Fingerprinting
Create a DNA Fingerprint NOVA Lab
Gel Electrophoesis Online Activity (Be patient! The window should eventually load)
Gene Therapy Article, NPR (11/2017)
Chapter 16- Biotechnology
Chapter 17 -Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Sec 17.1 - A Voyage of Discovery
Stated Clearly: "What is Evolution?"
Sec 17.2 - Ideas that Influenced Darwin
Darwin's Voyage and Ideas Video
Sec 17.3 - Darwin's Theory: Natural Selection
Peppered Moth Computer Simulation
Crash Course Biology: Evolution
Bunnies Natural Selection Simulation
Sec 17.4 - Evidence of Evolution
HHMI Darwin Video: "The Making of a Theory" (30 min)
CC Darwin and Wallace (13 min)
Chapter 18 - Evolution of Populations
Sec 18.1 - Genes and Variation
Modeling a Gene Pool lab questions video
Sec 18.2 - Evolution as Genetic Change
Crash Course Biology: Population Genetics
(You have to live to the end of each game for game % to be saved!)
Sec 18.3 - The Process of Speciation
Crash Course Biology: Speciation
Snurffle Island Evolution Online Lab
Bears, Species and DNA Online cladogram lab
Quizlet Vocabulary Study Practice
Chapter 19 - Classification
Sec 19.1 - Finding Order in Diversity
HHMI Exploring Trophic Cascades Activity
Fishing For a Name - Online Naming Activity
Sec 19.2 - Modern Evolutionary Classification
Sec 19.3 - Kingdoms and Domains
Chapter 20 - The History of Life
Bozeman Science: The History of Life (6:48)
Sec 20.2 - Earth's Early History
Crash Course Biology: The History of Life on Earth (14 min)
Earth Viewer - Mass Extinctions Online Activity
Sec 20.3 - Evolution of Multicellular Life
Sec 20.4 - Patterns of Evolution
Quizlet Vocabulary Study Practice
2nd Semester Exam Quizlet Review (Chs 11-18)